So much, so fast
Been seeing this my whole life. Everytime ANYTHING happens, the price of gas goes up. Exxon Valdez runs aground, they raise the price of gas a couple of cents. A refinery fire, they raise the price of gas a few cents. The wind blows, they raise the price of gas a few cents. And in those rare times when nothing happens, then the Government raises the gas TAX!
I don't want another lecture about supply and demand, I understand it. And as far as environmental regulations, these are figured in already, unless we just passed a bunch of new ones in the last couple of months. And don't try and tell me about how the oil industry works, I have been a member of the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers Union for 24 years. So I do have some background experience.
What I would like to know (if anyone has a logical reason), is why, outside of pure greed, have the prices jumped so much, so often, so fast, and for so long. In the recent past, once or twice a year, then every few months, but not, we are jumping every couple of DAYS. What has changed? All the old economic regulators (supply&demand, govt regs, etc.) are still in force, but what is accelerating the pace? Greed? or something else?
Anyone wonder why there are people telling us that if we conserve, the price will go down? Do you really believe that? WHY?
If we (greedy, selfish) Americans who are consuming, what, a quarter of the world's oil is it? If we only consume less, then there will be more supply and the price will go down. Right. And I have a fine bridge for sale, and some ocean front property on the coast of Kentucky. Cash, no checks.
Think about it for a minute.
If we could reduce our consumption by say 10% (for a number to play with), what do you think would happen to ALL THAT OIL? Would the oil companies be forced to sit on it, and lower the price to the consumer, just so they could get us to buy it?
Might not the mighty oil cartels just sell it to someone else? If it was already in (or on its way to) refineries, then they would just find a different customer. After all these same people are telling us that China and India are increasing their demand for oil. And if, they couldn't find another customer besides the US (not likely), they still wouldn't lower the price, they would just pump less out of the ground.
So, is telling us that we need to conserve, to drive less, to drive smaller more fuel efficient (barely) vehicles, really, is it really morally and intelectually honest?