If they need to thin the deer herd in areas where crhonic wasting disease has started

Just write it off as "government thinking", which is rather a contradiction in terms. Sorta like "airline food".

There is neither incentive nor BusAd training to inculcate cost-effectiveness, and there's certainly no profit motive.

We had a similar problem in Texas. An overabundance of whitetail deer in some local areas. The wildlife folks finally agreed to a program of killing off excess deer on a year-round basis. Now, these deer belong to the state, right? That's what the Lege sez. Fine. So, in its infinite wisdom the state charges the ranchers money for the ranchers to go out and shoot and gut and butcher deer in order that the herd be made more healthy.

Pardon my cynicism.

This might not be the reason, but remember that they still have to have money to test to see if the deer they are killing have CWD and/or from what areas is it concentrated in. In Indiana it is estimated to cost up to $300,000 to test for CWD. About a third of that is going to come from the sale of hunting licenses. Like I said earlier it might not be the reason but it is something to think about.

BTW, Senior Member status baby, Woo Hoo!!!

IF you read the small print at the Wisconsin DNR site, inside the CWD intense harvest zone you do NOT need a license to shoot deer.(BUT: you must be ELIGIBLE to purchase a license.)

And the CWD antlerless tags are FREE (Up to 4 per day. Just for asking) If you tag a Doe you can tag a buck the same day, OR when you register the doe you "Earn" a CWD buck tag.

High cost? I buy the Wisconsin Conservation Patron license which includes everything except the Federal Migratory bird stamp and Bear kill permit. (There is one other thing it doesn't include but I forget what it is.)

Fishing licenses too!

State parks sticker, and a free magazine!

I usually purchase a BONUS antlerless tag for a zone I will hunt in, the $$ goes to the Farmer Crop Damage fund (Whatever they call it this year.)

The WI dnr website is www.dnr.state.wi.us if you want to take a look.

