If Romney Drops does that Change your Vote?


New member
Latest percentages from Rasmussen:
To Drop Out of 2008 Presidential Race On or Before February 28, 2008
Mike Huckabee 82.2
Mitt Romney 83.0
Ron Paul 33.1
Barack Obama 25.2
Hillary Clinton 15.0
John McCain 12.0

Rasmussen has been close in the past.
I like the thought of a McCain/Paul race and debates. (See Headlines: Dr. Paul dissects McCain again!)
No, Romney dropping out does not change my vote, but I don't expect him to do that before the convention. McCain will need 1191 pledged delegates to lock up the nomination prior to the convention. He's unlikely to accomplish that.
Will your candidate be here?

I guess my point is this. All the talk about throwing away votes on Ron Paul, but lets say you're going into the voting booth and there is an 80% chance that Huckabee AND Romney will drop. Wouldn't there be some "voters remorse" going on after you voted for them and they did indeed drop? Huckabee for sure, since he doesn't have the funds to continue.

Or do we only choose to believe Rasmussen when we agree with them?
If Romney & Paul are gone I will vote for Hilliary. Sound crazy? Well I consider McCain to be just to the left of Hilliary. Rather than the slow death of the GOP under McCain I would just as soon end it fast.

Another issue. We always have to keep in mind that the reasons a candidate wins their party nomination is not necessarily the reason they can win national election. So, McCain will have to appeal on a National basis that the war is good and that a continuation of Bush's polices is good.....never happen.
If Romney and Paul are 'out' McCain may not be the perfect Republican candidate but, unlike Obama or Hillary, he would appoint judges with a conservative view and protect our right to bear arms. Hillary and Obama have a consistent record of favoring gun control and would almost certainly appoint activist judges.
Republican candidate but, unlike Obama or Hillary, he would appoint judges with a conservative view and protect our right to bear arms.

Not sure you can count on that I certainly don't trust him to make right decisions. I vote no on McCain.
he would appoint judges with a conservative view and protect our right to bear arms.

Oh yeah!

Republican John McCain (*C/F-) posed as a strong Second Amendment during the 2000 Republican Presidential primaries. But in the next session of Congress, he sponsored the McCain/Lieberman gun show bill, which would have given the federal government the administrative power to prohibit all gun shows, and to register everyone who attends a gun show. And of course the McCain/Feingold campaign finance law is the most extreme Congressional assault on First Amendment rights since the Sedition Acts of the Woodrow Wilson and John Adams administrations. McCain’s Democratic opponent Stuart Starky (C/F) is no better.


Lets see, you have the McCain/Lieberman gun show bill, the McCain/Feingold law, the McCain/Kennedy failed immigration bill...he will try again. And his latest ads say he is "a true conservative" ...nothing like truth in advertising.