If I have a Flemming sear, what pack do I need?


New member
I need help. I have been reading a lot on this, but I heard it was hard to put an aftermarket registered sear in a Navy 4 position group both because of the 4 positions and also because it is ambidextrous. Assume I have a Flemming sear, and I want 3 positions but prefer a Navy-style housing. What do I need to buy?

Can I buy a German-made Navy 3 position housing with full auto guts and 3 position selector lever (for an SP-89), and then also buy a second German-made Navy 3 position housing with no guns for a second gun (HK-93/91, and easily move the pack between them?

Or is the Navy too hard to work on for some reason (perhaps due to the ambidextrous nature) and should I get the standard plastic SEF housing instead?
