If bore steals it, the congress and senate won't matter anyhow. He learned well from klinton and will be churning out E.O.'s, which the feds will gladly enforce, left and right. I think the current administration foresaw this (or planned it) and that's why they wanted 100,000 new agents (okay, it wasn't that much but did you notice how they liked to throw out that number?). Now, America is evenly divided, so that new 100,000 mark shouldn't be hard to achieve (with us paying for it, unless half of us find a way to stop paying taxes). So, lets say there are 3 billion people, 1.5 billion are in bores pocket, the next E.O. will authorize 1.5 billion new "feds" to oversee the other 1.5 billion peons, err, civilians (citizens). Oh course, if he (bore) does this, then a civil war may be sparked. I don't think that he's that stupid (well, maybe I do) but I foresee a speedup in secret E.O.'s that will speed up the breaking down of the Republic. Unfortunatly, if Bush does win and the economy does plumment, then it opens the door for the demorats in 2002 and 2004 since 1/2 of the American people feel that money is more important then Freedom. If I were Bush, and won the WH, then I would churn out E.O.'s also, repealing all the socialist laws and going strictly by the Constitution. This would set the socialist agenda back a spell since they would have to overcome four years of Americans buying all the dang guns, ammo, and shoulder launched weapons that they can afford (maybe a tank or two since the Army is getting rid of them). This would set the socialist on the defensive instead of continuing with the Offensive that they are now waging. You know, that deterrent thing. And, if the 1.5 billion Americans work together, we could begin to pull the economy back up to where we wish it (like putting allot of money into American businesses through guns, ammo, shoulder launched weapons and tanks
). Bush could build the military back up and REAFFIRM their oaths. It's taken klinton eight years to destroy the Republic and if Bush gets in, we only have four years (hopefully more) to build it back up into a Stronger, Better Republic. It will take allot of work but I think it can be done. What's that old saying, that which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Just my outlook on things.