If Gore Somehow Wins, What Will You Buy?


New member
I know it's a grim thought, but I've considered lately what I'd buy if Gore wins (before he tries to implement photo registration IDs and other restrictions on firearm buying).

Probably just to round out my needs, I'd get a Remington 700 in 30-06 or .308. And some sort of .45--maybe a cheaper 1911 or a Ruger P97. Finally, I want something really small and concealable. I'm thinking Glock or Kel-Tec here.

Anyone else thought about this?

NRA, GOA, & TFA Member
Vote for your rights!!!
Based on all the terrible things I hear about how the Clinton administration is mis-using 4473's (?), I think I will have to purchase new examples of the favorites in my collection from private parties, so I'll still have a decent collection in case confiscation comes from this retroactive registration.

Something nice in 9mm, a good .308 rifle, a good 12ga. That's a start.

To be more specific:

1) A Kel-Tec 9mm for concealment
2) A Rem 700 in .308, though I would also settle for a Savage, Winchester, etc. Not terrible picky here.
3) And an 870 in 2ga.

Oh, yeah, and a .22 rifle or two. 10/22 or Model 60.

[This message has been edited by Dave R (edited November 08, 2000).]
I'd agree with Dave. At least for the present time, all my purchases will be private. I'm focusing my attentions on .22 and 12ga. with a 9mm tossed in...

1) Ruger MK II .22 pistol... actually several, this has to be the toughest pistol ever!
2) Ruger 10/22 rifle, rebuilt with aftermarket accessories for reliability.
3) Beretta 92, the 'secret operative' of my Beretta collection
4) Remington or Mossberg 12ga. pump gun for 'close encounters'

A .22 pistol makes a great last ditch defensive weapon in that do to the weight/size of the ammo you can literally pack several thousand rounds if a situation requires it. Try that with a 12ga or .45...

Here's to hoping for better days, but planning like there's no tomorrow...

Anything I can get my hands on through private sales.

I've got several potentials lined up right now.

Smith & Wesson is dead to me.

If you want a Smith & Wesson, buy USED!
I'd look to stock up on even more hi cap mags and ammo for what I own. Then I'd look for something in either .223 or .308, semi auto, high cap ability. Shotgun with magazine extension (or two)!!

I admit I went out last night after the networks originally gave FL to Gore and ordered 5 Hi Power hi cap mags off the internet!! Can never have enough!
Most likely an AK-47. :) Lot's of ammo for it,
and other weapons that I own!!! :rolleyes:

Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Get your Romainian pistol-grip AK'S from www.aimsurplus.com few days ago they were 310 u.s.d. new... and excellent condition Romanian 30 round mags are 8 u.s.d each in quantities of ten or more. Cheaper than dirt ( they have a web site and a catalog) sell Wolf ammo for about 100 U.S.D. for 1000 rounds of copper jacketed material ( versus steel, better for penetration, bad for the barrel, so it's your call)...This is good ammo, a great rifle.

This is what I bought as an "investment" ( they are banned from import now by A.T.F. action)...
just to answer your question...because even if that S.O.B.-son of a Bush- wins he will not over turn these bans!
A CZ-75... but not because Gore or Bush wins, just because I want one.

Regardless of who wins, it will be quite some time before any real changes come about. The only change that will happen if Gore wins immediately is a run on guns and ammo by consumers that will drive prices up temporarily. And, don't think for one minute that gun store owners and distributors won't use this to their advantage. You'll hear comments like, "Better buy em now, cause ole Gore's gonna try and take em away from us" from the mouths of more than one salesman. If, in the unfortunate event Gore wins, I'll just wait until the initial panic subsides. Don't get me wrong, I don't think gun store owners are bad people, but they are businesspeople just like anyone else. They need to do all they can to stay afloat.

Just picked up the shotgun and a stack of mags today, the M4 is four months old. Call me paranoid...
"Pocket Rockets" and full capacity mags. Those will be the first to go.

Moves to ban small autos (Mini Glocks, Kel Tecs etc) is afoot and he would sign it.
A total ban on full cap mags (buying and selling and inmporting thereof) would go through.

I would buy lots of ammo.

But, Gore did not win, and he is not going to win. Bush won and will remain the winner. So, no worries mates.
Much more reloading equipment and supplies than I presently have. Much more spare parts than I presently have. And finally much more Shiner than I presently have.

Hmmmm maybe I've put them in the wrong order.

As one who retails the custom 1911 and others. Much of my current stock of merchandise will be oriented to what I want to keep.

I know I could not afford an island somewhere either but it will be on my list.

I don't really know but Gore is a very very direct step to our pending social democracy. I get a twist in the pit of my stomach when I think about 8 more years of the "character" example I was supposed to fight for during my career in the Army.

Terry Peters
Since I'm not the only person who answered "A Mossenberger 590A1" or some other longarm, I'm going to move this to General Discussion. :)

"..but never ever Fear. Fear is for the enemy. Fear and Bullets."
10mm: It's not the size of the Dawg in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog!