If Ever there was a reason to Join the NRA......

El Jefe

New member
I found this rail on the HCI website, Sounds like a plan to me, Get 2 for their one and join the NRA to boot :)


Click here now to send a free fax to your Congressperson

The headlines above -- and the headlines of too many newspapers across the country -- say it all. Despite shooting after shooting after shooting -- funeral after funeral -- Congress WILL fail to send the President the common-sense gun control measures adopted by the Senate this Spring IF the NRA leadership's latest fear-mongering campaign goes unanswered.
Unless YOU get involved, it simply won't matter that huge majorities of Americans support the Senate's reasonable proposals: requiring background checks for all gun show purchasers, insisting that new handguns be sold with trigger locks or other safety devices, and stopping the importation of high-capacity ammunition clips once and for all.

Unless YOU make sure that your Representative and Senators get two calls from supporters of the Senate's sensible new laws for every one by an NRA member frightened by the lies told by his leadership, Americans who might have escaped being on the wrong end of a gun will continue to die.

Unless YOU and a friend make those calls now, it may well be too late to keep the Senate's modest measures from being jettisoned by a House/Senate Conference Committee whose members decide . . . again . . . that the NRA is just too tough to cross.

PLEASE, call, fax or write your Representative a note now with a simple two-part message:

"I want you to support the Senate's sensible gun control provisions - especially their gun show background check-- AND I'll be basing my vote in November of 2000 on what you do."

That's all there is to it. So, please, make the contact, make the case and make it soon.

The NRA has already spent $1.5 million this Spring and Summer and just announced that it will spend at least $1.5 million more to preserve no-questions-asked gun sales at gun shows.

There's only one thing more powerful than their money and their propaganda.


Contact Your Representative Today

Keep Sending those card/letters/faxes/e-mails it is frustrating the opposition....

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.
---James Madison,The Federalist Papers, No. 46

... "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are constitutional rights secure." Albert Einstein

... "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."Ronald Reagan
Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
OK, I'm convinced. I got an NRA packet in the mail a few days ago, and it's been sitting around. It'll go out today.

Frankly, I'd rather live by being on the right end of a gun, than die on the wrong end.

Once again, HCI oversteps. They screech about the NRA's fearmongering, and in the same breath they wail about protecting The Children from us eeeevil gun owners. Bastards.

In fact... I may sign up my hottie gun-toting libertarian friend as well. HA!

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Coinneach, CO CAN Operator
Here is some added material to further add to the fire...RECENT VOTES SHOW THAT GUN CONTROL IS THE RIGHT POSITION

New Poll Identifies Key Segment of Voters who Support Gun Control

(Washington, DC) On the heels of last week's off-year elections in New Jersey and Virginia, a vote in the notoriously pro-gun Pennsylvania legislature and a new poll are further demonstrating the political reality to which many elected officials are awakening: supporting gun control is necessary to win. The U.S. Congress, which has the opportunity to pass reasonable gun measures in the juvenile justice bill, would do well to heed this wake-up call before they adjourn for the year
On Tuesday, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives voted for mandatory trigger-locks on handguns sold in Pennsylvania. While it is unclear if this all-too-modest measure will pass the Senate (which holds a stronger pro-gun majority than the House), the House vote is significant for passing at all. The trigger-lock measure was sponsored by Republicans, who hold a slim majority over Democrats in the House. As John Baer of The Philadelphia Inquirer put it, "…facing re-election in an open-seat presidential year bound to produce high voter turn-out, GOP leaders correctly read public unrest on guns. Fearing a viral-like spread of the issue, they found a way to give themselves a shot in the arm."

Although Baer is correct to warn readers that the vote was merely political "inoculation," the fact remains that these lawmakers - in a state with one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the country and in which the legislature has traditionally toed the National Rifle Association line - realized that it would be politically dangerous to vote against the bill. In voting for it, they defied the NRA, which has long opposed any trigger lock bills.

Also this week, the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press identified a key segment of the American people as "New Prosperity Independents". In an article in today's Washington Post, this segment, which is moderate, financially content, and supportive of gun control, makes up "the most important swing constituency" of the electorate.

This comes as no surprise to suburban politicians in Virginia and New Jersey, which held off-year elections last week. In Virginia, Republicans who won in the suburbs took a centrist stand on the gun issue, and in several races, candidates from both sides vied for the better record on guns. Significantly, the NRA endorsed very few candidates in Northern Virginia. The pro-gun-control tilt in the suburbs is spreading with sprawl, and gun control was a serious issue for the first time in outlying exurban districts in Centerville and Leesburg.

The same phenomenon occurred in New Jersey races. Campaign literature in six key districts showed both candidates stressing their support for gun control and gun safety, with nary a mention of the supposedly sacred Second Amendment. Even candidates with pro-NRA records, like Marion Crecco and Guy Gregg, were suddenly converted to the support of 'anti-gun-violence' initiatives. Three Republican incumbents were defeated by pro-gun control Democrat candidates.

These recent votes re-emphasize the lesson learned in April in Missouri, where pro-gun-control suburbanites in St. Louis and Kansas City resoundingly rejected a referendum that would have allowed the carrying of concealed weapons. As the 2000 election season begins, perhaps elected officials will finally stop listening to the NRA and begin to pass reasonable gun measures. The U.S. Congress passing the juvenile justice bill would be a great place to start
Take careand God Bless, El Jefe
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>In voting for it, they defied the NRA, which has long
opposed any trigger lock bills.

BITE ME! They didn't defy the NRA...they defied ME! La vendetta è un freddo il più bene servito del piatto

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I hope I am not talkin to myself here but get this, Here is an Article from HCI's webpage, she has a lot of nerve. Of course it's all due to ALL the new gun control laws........For Immediate Release


"There’s good news and bad news in the fight to reduce gun violence in America. The good news: strong gun control laws, such as the Brady Law and the federal assault weapons ban have helped reduce gun fatalities and injuries to their lowest level since the 1960’s. According to a study recently published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, gun death rates in the United States fell 21 percent between 1993 and 1997 and nonfatal firearm-related injuries dropped by almost 41 percent over the same period.
"It’s easy to forget that, at the beginning of this decade, 32 states didn’t even have laws requiring mandatory background checks on firearm purchasers and there was no federal assault weapons ban. Our nation’s gun laws have saved lives by making it more difficult for criminals, juveniles and other prohibited purchasers to buy guns over-the-counter. The Brady Law, which Jim and I fought for over seven years to get passed by Congress, has stopped approximately 400,000 felons and other prohibited purchasers from buying handguns over-the-counter from federally licensed firearm dealers. As a result, thousands of murderers, spousal abusers, gun traffickers and fugitives from justice have been denied purchase of handguns and apprehended because of the background check required by the Brady Law. The assault weapons ban has worked too. After the 1994 ban went into effect, there were 18% fewer assault weapons traced to crime in the first eight months of 1995 than were traced in the same period in 1994, and the wholesale price of “grandfathered” assault rifles nearly tripled in the first post-ban year.

"It’s more than fair to say that stronger gun control measures have been a major factor in the decline in gun deaths and injuries in America. Today, violent crime in America has fallen for six straight years, thanks, in large part, to tougher gun laws that provided mandatory background checks, banned the most dangerous types of assault weapons, and limited accessibility to kids and criminals.

"Then there’s the bad news: guns are still the second leading cause of death in the United States after motor-vehicle related incidents. In 1997 alone, more than 32,000 Americans died from guns, of which over 4,000 of these victims were children. What’s more, a more sobering study conducted by the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California-Davis found that suicide is the leading cause of death among gun buyers, especially women, in the first year after the weapon was purchased. In fact, the study -- which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine -- found that a person who purchases a handgun is 57 times more likely to commit suicide within a week of buying the weapon than the general population as a whole.

"What does this mean? While gun violence has dropped steadily in America, we cannot dismiss the fact that we are still not safe from the dangers of guns. This year’s senseless shootings in Littleton, Colorado, Atlanta, Georgia, Granada Hills, California, Fort Worth, Texas, Honolulu, Hawaii, and Seattle, Washington, among others, illustrate that we are not safe in school, at work, in daycare centers or even in houses of worship. These tragedies prove that our current laws need to be strengthened, not weakened, and expose the gaping loopholes in our firearms laws which enable criminals and children to get firearms. These loopholes exist, in large part, because the gun lobby continues to resist any attempt to close them.

"Our opponents argue that, since gun-related deaths are falling, there’s no need to pass any new gun control laws at all. To that I say there are over 32,000 reasons to strengthen our existing gun laws and pass new laws that will help save lives by keeping guns out of the wrong hands, mainly children and criminals. Maybe the National Rifle Association and the gun lobby can ignore the fact that tens of thousands of people continue to die every year from guns, including more than 11 children per day, but it’s unacceptable to me that the killings, many of them preventable, continue to go on.

"The overwhelming majority of Americans, gun owners included, want Congress to make it more difficult for children and criminals to get guns. Despite shooting after shooting after shooting and funeral after funeral, Congress is expected to adjourn for the year without sending the President the common-sense gun control measures adopted by the Senate this Spring. Sadly, Congress has put the special interests of the NRA above the interest of public safety.

"I am encouraged by the good news that the rate of gun deaths in the United States has been, in recent years, on the decline. But until we deal with the proliferation of guns in this country, there will, no doubt, always be more bad news than good news."

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.
---James Madison,The Federalist Papers, No. 46

... "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are constitutional rights secure." Albert Einstein

... "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."Ronald Reagan
Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
With regard to Sarah the Sob-sister's comments on Gun Control being the driving force behind the decline in gun deaths:

BRONX CHEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time to get another story there, Sarah. This ones getting old real fast. Maybe you could call the Mothership for further instructions. ;)
I have not heard that the recent enactment of CCW laws in many states has contributed significantly to the reduction in gun deaths.

I wonder why I haven't heard that one?

What a load of bullSh!t!