If Ballistol accidentally mixes with Breakfree CLP...?

My handguns are being converted from something else, and are already clean via alcohol wipes.

---But my rifles have had only Breakfree CLP, and wiping them with alcohol to Then switch to Ballistol would take much more time and effort.

The question regards what could happen (?) if Ballistol were ever >>mistakenly<< put on any of my semi-auto rifles.
I can't imagine that it would cause a problem. There are some gun care products out there that have warnings about mixing them with other products, but I've never heard or read any from BreakFree CLP nor Ballistol along those lines.

I just mixed some together and I can't tell that anything unusual happened. I put some on a blued magazine and some more on a blued pistol barrel. I'll leave the rest in a container and put it in the garage for a few days to see what happens to it.
Well, after a couple of days I can't tell any ill effects from mixing the two products. The resulting oil appears to be normal.

The quantity in the container hasn't separated or gummed/thickened unusually or done anything unexpected.

It seems unremarkable where it was spread on the blued barrel and magazine.

I think it's ok.

Seriously though, I have used both as well as 3 in 1 oil over the years and I am sure they have mixed/come into contact with each other at some point and besides the third nipple I am growing I see no ill effects.

Is wiping-down a gun with one product, then wiping it down later with a different product, "mixing" the two products?

After a year, most gun oil evaporates and leaves very little residue on the surface, so going over it with Ballistol, which is itself a CLP, should clean the previous oil from the surface.

I started using Ballistol to wipe-down stored long guns, so that I could use one product on the entire gun; literally lock, stock, and barrel, without having to worry about getting petroleum products on wood and slings.
The sample of mixed Ballistol and BF CLP has been sitting on my workbench for 3 and a half weeks now and if anything bad has happened, I can't tell it. It hasn't gummed up or gelled or anything and it still looks like it did when I initially mixed it.
the insructions on a can of balistitol ( old green ones) used to say to water it down for use as a cutting / drilling lubricant in industrial applications...so no surprise to me that Break Free cut with Balistol should be fine. :cool:
The sample of mixed Ballistol and BF CLP has been sitting on my workbench for 3 and a half weeks now and if anything bad has happened, I can't tell it. It hasn't gummed up or gelled or anything and it still looks like it did when I initially mixed it.

JohnKSa, thank you for your service to the collective. Your willingness to use your fluids on your materials to help a fellow forum member is admirable.