If a firearms ban was imposed, what would you do?

What would you do?

  • Move to another country with your guns

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Turn in your guns, then move to another country

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Turn in your guns and stay in the US

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Keep your guns, stay in the US, and hope no one finds out

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Keep your guns, Stay in the US, and fight back to bring down the ban

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • I don't live in the US

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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New member
If for some reason a ban was put in place that made all American turn in their firearms, what would you do?
What is the penalty for not turning in the firearms?

If you are asking if I would shoot it out with the ATF, the answer is no. That would only get me and my family killed.
What is the penalty for not turning in the firearms?

what is the penatlty for tuning them in? Oh yeah dead guy on the floor. Because you couldn't protect yourself..............but hey you were a good law biding citizen................
As has been stated by many others the 3 bazillion times this question has been asked your most common answers will be...

"I would, of course, comply in a lawful manner with all laws presented" (and I'm not about to say any differently on any public forum).


"What guns? I lost all my firearms in that freak boating accident I reported last year"
The firearms atf might trace to me were sold years ago and legally . Nowadays i am into photography, and would you like to see my pictures of butterfly's ?
Yes, we are all nice law abiding citizens here.:rolleyes: I have never used an illegal substance or rolled through a stop sign or exceded the speed limit even once.:rolleyes: I was so glad to see the sodomy laws go away:rolleyes: so I could finally enjoy a...well, look up the legal definition of sodomy. It ain't just what you think.

The people that make the laws in this country have only our safety and well being (not to mention our salvation, someone has to legislate this poor misguided atheist into heaven) in mind and never their own power or agendas.:rolleyes: They work their entire lives for the power and privlege to tell us how to live ours so the least we could do is not question them.:rolleyes:How dare you express concern for your rights by attempting to get an idea of how many of us would help you fight for them.:rolleyes:
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If they were to get serious about confiscating guns, I doubt they would take "oops, I had a boating accident" or "I sold them to some guy" as an answer. Not until they kick your door down, tear up your house, slap your wife, and rape your dog looking for them.
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