
New member
I went on a co-workers invite last night and shoot my first IDPA match as a UC in the CDP, and loved it. That is good stuff. I will continue to get into this style/discipline of shooting. I had two procedurals because I was not aware of the loaded to the division capacity(combat load) requirement but I should have read the rules I guess! I finished with a decent time and only the two penalties and one round of target so I guess I am built for this. I will try to get some video and stuff up later.

Do any of you guys have good drills or links that I could bring out and contribute to the fun?

UC is unclassified and CDP is custom defense pistol.
IDPA has 5 classes the quick rundown
SSR-stock service revolver IE 6 shot 4" DA 38/357 no moon clips
ESR-enhanced service revolver IE 6 shot moon clipped revolver
SSP-stock service pistol IE a DA auto 10 rounds max in mag.
ESP-enhanced service pistol IE SA auto 10 rounds max in mag
and CDP IE 1911 45 acp 8 rounds max in mag
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CDP= Custom Defense Pistol (normally 1911 style)

UC is open class (Unclassified shooter)

edit: oops, too slow
no problem and welcome to the world of IDPA it's addictive for sure.I'm now set up to shoot all 5 classes.LOL
I shoot IDPA every tuesday night and a club match once per month. I also shoot IPSC just as much!! I love it. The first thing you can start doing to get better is start saving your money!!! This sport can get expensive!!

Other than that, I would not worry so much about your times at this point. Although that is one of the more exciting things about this sport, it will come in time. Make sure your head is in the game. Mentally go over each stage in your head as many times as you can. Strategise a plan for you most effective reloads. Its amazing how well you can do, if you figure out the most effiecient way of shooting the stage. Speed will come in time.

For your first couple of matches, dont worry. Just enjoy yourself, take it slow, and ask alot of questions. You will be amazed how fast speed will improve.


BTW: it takes a while to learn the rules. As long as you are safe and dont get DQ'ed, it really doesnt matter. Believe me, if you break a rule, they will let you know about it!!!
There is an idpa forum on yuku, and more info on the idpa website itself. Much info on the yuku forum....I'm just learning it now myself...

Words From An UPSCA shooter

A fellow at the range told me that IDPA stands for I don't practice anymore. Please excuse this poor attemp at humor.
IDPA Rules & DQ

Since DQ has been mentioned , let me quote a Match Director Statement from many Moons ago. "If you have never been DQed You will Be"
and Yes in my years of Playing Both Games, I have been sent to the Dairy Queen.
Be Safe
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Not really fair

We got the results back yesterday. I finished first and a buddy finished 3.8 behind me in second. It really is not fair because we shoot similar stuff everyday at work and everyday citizens are on thier own dime, but none the less I had fun and will play again!
I haven't shot the IDPA but after having just read the rules. I like it. It seems more practical then most.

What I really like it is the penalty for misses. I shot a couple of steel matches and its all about speed and mag. capacity. Spray and pray.

What I'd like to see (and maybe they have it and I missed it) is a classification for the 5 Shot stubby.

I suppose you can shoot it in the SSR class.

Would they allow you to draw from the pocket if thats the way you carry your revolver??

I know that in ICORE (at least in the local matches) I pay to shoot a second gun and since its my 642, I'm allowed to use my pocket.
For you guys shooting IDPA/and or USPSA would suggest you join the Brian Enos forum for all things IDPA, USPSA, and reloading. It is the best forum on the Internet!!!
Courses of fire rarely accommodate a 5-shooter. "Revolver neutrality" in course of fire design dictates no more than six rounds be required from a single position without an opportunity to reload. With a 5-shooter, you are going to be doing a lot of reloading, perhaps picking single live rounds out of your pocket for the "extra" reloads, etc. It can be done, as I've seen a guy do it on a couple of occasions. We try to do three or four Back Up Gun side stages each year, and those require loading no more than five rounds, and no mandatory reloads, so everyone's mouse gun is roughly equal.