IDPA Tactical Reload

J. Williams

New member
As a beginner I am reviewing the new rule book (May 2001) for IDPA. Could someone please explain more clearly the tac reload?

I understand it is to top off your weapon, at the gun, have a fully loaded weapon and retain any ammo. However rule # 18 states that a reload with a round still in the chamber, slide down and abandoning any magazine = a 3 sec. penalty. What if your weapon is not shot dry.

Then in the FAQ it says No IPSC style speed re-loads (slide down with a round remaining in the chamber) are permitted in IDPA competition.

Welcome to the IDPA !

There are three types of reloads allowed in IDPA:

1. Slide Lock Reload - gun is empty, mag is empty, drop the empty mag on the ground, poke in a fresh one, drop the slide and go shoot some bad guys.

2. Reload with Retention - often used in place of a true Tactical Reload, but be sure it's allowed in the Course of Fire (CoF) - gun is still hot, mag may be empty or partially full but if the gun is still hot it is considered partially full, drop mag in hand and stow in pocket, pouch or waistband, draw fresh mag, seat in gun and go shoot some bad guys.

3. Tactical Reload - gun is hot, mag may be empty or partially full but if the gun is still hot it is considered partially full, draw fresh mag, exchange mags at the gun, stow the exchanged mag in pocket, pouch or waistband and go shoot some bad guys.

The only time you can drop a mag on the ground (partially full or empty) from a hot gun is during a malfunction clearance. If the gun jams you may eject the potentially offending mag, poke in a new on and go shoot some bad guys.

Hope that helps...


Would I really do that reload stuff in the real world?



"Cause I'd be still running the other way screaming..........that's my real world.


"all my maneuvers are defensive handgun maneuvers"
Forgive me if i'm wrong on this...

If you were in a gunfight (pick any scenario you want) and then the gunfight is over and you are standing there with your gun NOT fully charged, wouldn't you want to put in a full mag?

That's what a tactical reload is for... not for during a fight, but for when you ain't fighting but you sensibly think having more rounds ready is better than having less. :)
Amen Amelia,
Thats one reason I try to never have Tac loads on the clock. I prefer to leave it up to the shooter when he wants to reload. Only rule is all reloads must be done from behind cover.
Example, start behind cover. Engage 2 or 3 targets, beat feet to the next cover where your partner{ie. significant other, policeman, etc.} is. During movement engage 2 or 3 more BG's. From new cover engage more BG's.
The multiple BG's can simulate a pack of dogs, a gang, or just the fact that the BG's are moving around too. In this example, it would be wise to reload before moving from the first cover, as well as when you got to the second cover. But not neccessary depending on your choice of weapon. {ie. Round capacity}

{edit}You could shoot it by going to slide-lock. But if you run out of rounds during the movement, are you going to stop to reload {bad tactical move} or take the misses???

New York reload......and yes, if I found myself in the lull I'd reload, but I'd still have Mr. Two close to hand.....
There are really only 2 kinds of reloads in IDPA. Slide locked empty, drop the mag, or reloads with retetention, either at the gun (tactical) or from the belt as a change out, and both are completely behind cover. It's got nothing to do with the 'real world', just the rules from the red book. There are many cases of a shooter being whacked while reloading from the same position behind cover(Dogma can get you killed too). Movement is the single biggest factor in surviving a gunfight, but not in winning a match...
I thought IDPA was to resemble "real world" scenarios. Sounds kind of anal being told how you have to reload or worse, having to know three types of reload techniques to appease the person who set up the CoF. What ever happen to "be really good with one technique and stick with it" or "if it looks stupid but works, it isn't stupid".
I change mags when I damn well please using a dash of common sense. It's kind of embarassing to bust into a room with 3 BGs and the gun runs dry on the second one.
I can't remember the name of the gun mag I was reading, published this month but it was written by one of the founders of IDPA and he had very little to say in favor of some of the CoFs. Sounds like the bugs still haven't been worked out.
There are many real life situations. And one may be to top off your gun from behind cover before going around the corner and discovering 5 bg's with only three rounds in the gun. Ooops! :eek: Like anything else idpa is not perfect. It is a game to test your skills in a variety of "real world" situations.
tac reloads

what a bunch of BALONEY tac reloads are the most useless thing i've had to encounter in IDPA. As a matter of fact i don't do them ,i lose points but i could give a s--- less. Even the guy that came up with this foolish and deadly thing says "it's the worst thing he ever did" . so i would think that the know it alls would pay heed.........this is the big and ever lasting problems with CLUBS ie: thick headed know-it-alls.........LIVE FREE OR DIE.............
If all the IDPA clubs ran them the way Amelia, Scooter and Southern Yankee do, then there wouldn't BE a problem. But alot of clubs, (the one I started shooting with) HAD 'tactical reloads' on the clock. I voiciferiously protested for many months, and FINALLY when it came out it the newletter they changed.

The 'tactical' reload is a very valuable tactical tool to use under the right circumstances, for ANY firearm used in a tactical scenario.


tire iron