IDPA Shooters, what's your classification? Where do you rank?

CDP-Sharp Shooter-Kimber Custom-SS
SSP-Sharp Shoter-S&W M-39
ESP-Sharp Shooter-Browning HiPower
SSR-Sharp Shooter-S&W M-19

I seem to be in the middle of the class in all divisions. But I'm sure having fun! :D
Wow. Seems that the majority of us are sharpshooters, and we do have at least one master. :D

Gotta go practice more. I have set a goal of expert on the next classifier.

Just started going Expert this Spring. Hope to be Expert with all four by the Nationals.

Match - means I was advanced due to winning Match
Clissifier - Means I shot the score

CDP - Expert (Match) Colt 5"
ESP - Expert (Match) P7M13
SSP - Not yet
SSR - Sharp Shooter (Classifier) 686 -2 1/2inch

The classifier kills me. Do much better at matches.
CDP- Expert Kimber Clasic Stainless
ESP-Sharpshooter BHP

I think I've topped out. I need to shoot more, dryfire more and work on my draw times.

mark mcj