IDPA Safety Officer Training

J. Williams

New member
First, safety is first. I understand and agree all measures should be implemented for a safe match, but...

How many TFLer's have participated in the "required" IDPA Official Safety Officers training before your club could affiliate with the IDPA organization?

How did you feel about that requirement/stipulation in being able to affiliate?
I assume you mean the requirement that the match Director be an IDPA certified SO...

My club was affiliated with IDPA a year or so before I began shooting the matches. I took the class about 6 months after joining IDPA. I have been the MD since last June.

I think that it isn't a bad thing to be certified. Like you stated, and like I tell all of my shooters, safety is number one, followed by having a good time. We can not sacrifice the safety of participants and observers if we wish to have our matches continue

So...I guess I agree with the requirement.
As far as I know, "certification" still consists of viewing the "How to Run a Match" video. I've been a member of an affiliated club for almost three years, and we have no HQ-certified SO's. Our Area Coordinator is coming up in April for an SO/CSO class, so that we will have "certified" SO's for our state championship match. The AC admitted there's no syllabus, test, etc. There will be, but not yet.
I am one of those on the approved list to give the SO course and you are correct, there is no syllabus. Myron Young tought me and I got his notes. The LGB has a decent description of what a proper SO should know in the back. The only way you can really learn what to do is to do it. OJT is the only way.

I have no problem with the MD having to be a certified SO. I have gone to a club, my wife was none too happy, what else is new, to certify the MD and key members to get their club up and running. And I will do it again if asked.

For what it's worth...the following is from the "Agreement" that each club is supposed to sign for affiliation:

"Additionally, the Match Director shall have taken a Safety Officer class from an IDPA approved Safety Officer instructor and/or have officiated at any of the national championships. All Safety Officers who will be working the matches must have previously worked club matches or have viewed the video: "How to run a match"."

The phrase you quoted is what caught my eye and I inquired about at the IDPA office. Our club was affiliated with IDPA before and lapsed when the prior Match Director had to resign due to illness in the family. After several requests to hold matches, I agreed to volunteer to be director. When I went to renew/reapply our club this year, the S.O. training clause had been added. So - as we enjoy this school of shooting, I will (have) locate an instructor and follow through.

Just curious as to what other people have experienced with this.

Thanks all for the input.
SO training

I just completed an SO class given by Jerry Biggs in February. I had been SO'ing at the local leval for about 9 months and thought I new how to do it. I learned alot from the video and feel much more confident in how to perform the task. I also learned a very valuable point. Concentrate on Safety and let your scorekeeper concentrate on procedural errors.

I'll be an SO at the Oklahoma State match in June.

my $ .02