IDPA question


New member
I am going to attend my first IDPA event tonight at a indoor range. I barely have the equipment I need, but the local guys said that they would help me out. Anyone have any tips for a first timer?
Go slow, listen to the range officer, and WATCH YOUR MUZZLE. If you do those 3 things you will have fun and be safe. If the RO knows you are brand new he will often 'coach' you a little as you are shooting. Learn to walk, then jog, then run, then sprint.
I have been thinking about doing the same thing.

Would it be a bad idea to go through it once with a snap cap first? (Assuming DA and, of course, thick skin :) )
You'll see guys shooting that have been doing this for quite awhile. Don't try to match their speed the first day. Speed comes with time. Pay attention, take your time getting good hits, be safe, and have fun.
You'll see guys shooting that have been doing this for quite awhile. Don't try to match their speed the first day. Speed comes with time. Pay attention, take your time getting good hits, be safe, and have fun.
A lot of Safety Officers will coach you through your first match if you agree to shoot for no score. It's agood way to get familiar.
HSMITH speaks the truth. Most important of all, keep your gun pointed down range: when you move, when you reload, when you show clear, when you shoot.

But then, you're there already. Waiting for your range report.
Been Match night +2 and no emailed scores yet...
I realized very quickly that I could not expect to match that kind of speed my first night. I was very worried about some elements I had never practiced quickly before: drawing from holster, firing, and reloading. My first match I was REALLY nervous. The range officer said "Are you sure you're ready?" "Yes." (Keep in mind about 30-50 people are watching your every move). As soon as I heard the buzzer I swung out of the chair while drawing my blaster and got into a good kneeling position. The rest is just a blur really. When I got all done, I heard something like "Zero, Zero, Zero, Two." Quite a few guys congratulated me and then more shooting started up. I did two matches that night and plan to go back for sure.
David, glad you had a good time. Shooting matches is just something that punching paper can't get close to in terms of fun.

Get out and try a USPSA match too, a little different but a boatload of fun as well.

Be careful though, you might turn into a match junkie, scouring websites for your next competitive fix:eek: :eek: :D
David, blank out everything else but your front sight. You will not even be aware of the crowd.
One other note, it is more important what you are doing when you are not pulling the trigger during a stage. Economy of motion is what wins matches.

As a RO, Range Officer, I always appreciate when a first time shooter tells me so... I will always spend extra time to explain and go through the stage. I many cases, it it their first time drawing from a holster from concealment at speed. In some cases, for the sake of safety, the first time at the club match, I will ask them to take off their cover garment. Just so they have one less thing to worry about...

Glad you had a great time... Keep going, and you have more....:D
Scores Are In!

I'm David B. In the SSP category. I figure it's not bad for a first timer. Can't wait till the next match. I don't think it will be time to speed up any... just become more familiar. I can't see risking safety for a few seconds.


SCOTT 25.65 (6) 14.01 (6) 11.64 (0)
JIM W. 27.32 (1) 11.40 (0) 15.92 (1)
J.D. 13.07 (8) 13.07 (3) 17.67 (5)
ERICK 41.26 (13) 20.68 (6) 20.58 (7)
WALT 55.76 (8) 23.01 (7) 32.75 (1)
BRANT 84.36 (46) 35.62 (10) 47.78 (36) FTNx2

RANDY N 31.44 (11) 17.19 (9) 14.25 (2)
WILLIAM 32.52 (10) 12.82 (3) 19.70 (7)
FRANK M 34.10 (3) 16.39 (1) 17.71 (2)
WESLEY 34.34 (18) 14.89 (10) 19.45 (8)
CHRIS 35.88 (10) 15.62 (2) 20.26 (8) PEx1
LEWIS 35.96 (6) 15.09 (2) 20.87 (4)
DAVID B. 40.01 (9) 18.12 (2) 21.89 (7)
BRYAN 42.85 (18) 21.49 (15) 21.36 (3)
RALEIGH 43.66 (17) 21.60 (13) 22.06 (4)
JIM C. 44.68 (10) 21.07 (2) 23.61 (8)
DAVE N. 45.76 (9) 22.09 (8) 23.67 (1)
DAN H. 47.71 (18) 22.51 (7) 25.20 (11)
KENT 58.29 (17) 27.66 (6) 30.63 (11)
RODGER 61.91 (36) 39.79 (32) 22.12 (4) FTNx1

CHARLES 27.88 (6) 13.77 (5) 14.11 (1)
BARRY 40.20 (22) 20.69 (20) 19.51 (2) NTx1
MIKE F. 40.23 (10) 17.14 (4) 23.19 (6)
JERRY M. 40.71 (21) 19.40 (14) 21.31 (7)
BRIAN 41.79 (13) 19.40 (5) 22.39 (8)
CHAD 43.23 (8) 20.44 (1) 22.79 (7)
JASON 49.92 (10) 32.83 (7) 27.09 (3)
DAVID R. 53.09 (9) 17.93 (6) 35.16 (3)
LOGAN 57.81 (43) 35.64 (34) 22.17 (9)
JON C. 61.27 (34) 21.91 (7) 39.36 (27) FTNx1
JOE C. 66.32 (11) 36.09 (6) 30.23 (5) PEx1

ED 44.22 (6) 19.47 (5) 24.75 (1)
RON 47.61 (30) 13.54 (4) 34.07 (26) FTNx1
THOMAS 50.41 (9) 27.19 (7) 23.22 (2) PEx2

Thanks for all the suggestions and support. Everyone have a Merry Christmas.

Or as to not offend anyone:

Happy Christmakwanzahanukkah!