
New member
I'd like to try my hand at competition. I don't know which way is the best way to go. I just want to shoot stock pistols. Would IDPA be the way to go? Someone please explain the differences.
houndog, you will find IDPA is easier for a beginner. IDPA requires only minimal equipment and low round counts. Go to There is info about both forums, including movies from an IDPA state match.
Try them both. I don't know why there's an attitude that IPSC matches require raceguns, it's not true. In our section stock gun shooters outnumber open shooters by 2/3 to 3/4, depending on the match. IPSC matches are a lot of fun, and at least here, there aren't any attitude problems. Try them both.
:rolleyes: Argggh, here we go again. A debate that has proponents on both sides. You can shoot stock sevrice pistol in both sports. Both have categories that cover your gun. I myself shoot a from the box Springfield Armory 1911 single stack. And sometimes my Glock 34. IDPA likes to call themselves the real practical shooting sport. IDPA leans more towards stock guns, fewer modifications if any. They use cover,reloading behind cover, tactical movements and usually shoot from guns carried from concealment.They are based on a principle that you are promoting basic self defense tactics and test skills you would need in real self-defense encounters. IPSC is more action-speed-combat shooting. Less strict requirement to use cover, depending on course description. Much of the equipment is not what you would normally carry in day to day real life. It is also a challenging and fun practical shooting sport, but different from IDPA. If confused, go to an IDPA match, then go to an IPSC match. You will see the difference. My two cents.
I love to shoot both. And I don't understand the bad feelings that some have in one sport towards the other. In both instances we are practicing our shooting sports. Try both!
I'll throw in my vote for both as well ... and any other shooting endeavour you can think of - 3 gun, silhouette, skeet :eek:

The only reason for choosing one over the other is to be competitive. I can win at IDPA but may not be as competitive at IPSC. But I really don't care so much about winning. I just have a blast shooting matches and watching others shoot. I want to improve my abilities and I can do that better with a varied experience base. Every discipline has lessons to be learned and a well rounded education in the shooting sports could save your life someday!

Anybody that gets all testy about the differences is just taking themselves waaay to seriously ;)

Definitely shoot both. Shooting IPSC means shooting a lot; most matches are 100-200 rounds. Speed rules. IDPA generally means lower round counts, and because cover and "correct" tactics play a much larger part, the ratio of total time to number of rounds fired is usually lower. In both sports, my gear puts me at a competitive disadvantage, but it doesn't bother me; don't let it bother you, either. You're really only competing against others with similar gun & gear anyway, so don't let the IPSC hotshots with their rayguns discourage you.
Shoot both. Unless you are really a "must win" freak, the activity is tremendously relaxing and enjoyable with stock gear.

I shoot IPSC style or ICORE (revolver only). The only reason I don't do IDPA is that none of my guns would qualify as "weapons" in the CCW sense--short barrels, concealable, max 6 rounds for revolver--but will when I get my 686 4" six shot some day.

IPSC has a reputation for exotic equipment that is very justified. However, I shoot "stock" revolver and understand where a stock gun should place against gyro stabilized autos with heads up electronic targeting systems and 29 round magazines. I distill it down to what each requires in terms of actual shooting skill and will be satisfied with shooting at 50% to 60% of race gun times.

And, hot damn, it is fun!!
Good anwers and definitely try them both. I shoot IDPA and USPSA (IPSC) with the same pistol, same holster and same magazine holders. Obviously I shoot Limited IPSC and CDP in IDPA. The guys at our club shoot both and there are no attitudes about either.

For what it's worth, the equipment race can be found in both sports. For instance, how about the guys who went out and bought a Beretta 92 or Sig with slicked up actions and 9mm squib loads for IDPA when they carry a compact .45 with Hydra Shoks? Folks who feel the need to win will always try to get equipment that adds some kind of advantage.

This is my first summer shooting IPSC and IDPA and frankly I think a good shooter can make A class in IPSC and Master in IDPA with a "stock" pistol. Breaking over into Master in IPSC might (emphasis on might) require a little more than a stock .45 auto.
Ron- I know plenty of guys who made A Limited with stock guns- single stacks. I did it with my carry Commander. "Stock" for me is Bomar sights, beavertail, and smoothing the series 80 trigger. Not a match gun, just what's acceptable/desireable for me in a carry gun.
Ned Roundtree, The bad feelings may have raised when Ken Hackathorn had nothing better to do than write a letter in American Handgunner bashing IPSC. This was when IDPA was just starting and apparently Hackathorn decided to bash IPSC to sell is own new sport(unprofessional!). I know Hackathorn pissed me off and others.

"Gun Control is Only to Protect Those in Power"
I agree shoot them both. Both will make you a better shooter. Don't let your equipmet set you back either, just go out and have fun. In most cases when you don't have enough gear people will lend it to you no questions asked. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and most of all have fun.
Like the other guys said don't get hung up on the equiptment thing. We have a guy who just started shooting IPSC with our club who uses a 2" 5 shot snubbie! The idea is to get out and shoot and become more profecient with a handgun. You can stand and shoot all day but you'll never know how you shoot under pressure or with a challenge presented to you until you do it. Have fun, no one will be a champion the first time out. So many people on this subject write as if they will be competing for a national title thier first time out and complain they dont have the right equiptment or its too expensive. Skill levels vary widely and many of us shoot differnet guns all the time. I have a 38 super hi-cap race gun but I also shoot a 45 single stack and a revolver at times. Some guys shoot from a carry holster some from race rigs some from a 5 dollar gun show cheapie, it doesn't matter. All are challenging and fun. Don't complain or talk it to death, JUST GO OUT AND SHOOT!
BTW, there always Cowboy and 3 gun! Both are a kick. 3 gun is great, field courses with a shot gun and a semi-auto rifle! Too much fun! Cowboy is the same with 6 guns, a lever rifle and double barrel shotgun. JUST SHOOT!
Before IPSC had a stock class, I shot with my 1954 stock .38 Super in B class for years. No, I couldn't beat the guys with race guns much of the time but by the time I quit (3rd heart attack) I had won some and even won the everyone-shoots-even shootoff my club had at the end of each match once. Point being, I shot my carry gun and I improved my shooting constantly. And when you know you aren't going to outshoot the guys with the raceguns you can concentrate on improvement not competition.

Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club