IDPA legal?

Yep and if you read the rule book IDPA does NOT have a approved holster list. Just way to many to compile a list and with new holsters coming out of all the makers I would hate to think of the size of the rule book if all the holsters were listed.
Here is the link to IDPA's wed sight, and on page's 29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36 explains the holsters, here is the link to the rule book,
I really like this holster. I have used it for carry for certain situations and for USPSA. I carry in a Galco miami classic 80% of the time. But I feel that the days activities dictates what holster I wear that day. I did just order a Galco Kingtuk to try and see if I like it. When I carry my LCR, it is carried in a pocket holster 100% of the time.