IDPA Cover Vest

Favorite IDPA "Cover" Garment

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Well, I punched "miscellaneous" because my summer concealment is a Pistol Packing vest (with Team Mediocre logo), spring and fall has been an old Norm Thompson safari jacket now about worn out and being replaced with a milsurp jacket bought cheap from SG. Winter wear is whatever jacket is comfortable on the day. I have an inexpensive sport jacket that I wear when I want to be "tactically unobtrusive."
I use a shirt as I never wear a vest in the 'real world'. I shoot my G19 stock gun as I carry it.

Thus, I like to get trigger time with a 'real' world gun as compared to a set up for competition.

However, that is just me and not a statement about the values and actions of others. I could see getting a nice vest for a present or whatever.
During the summer I use the Smith & Alexander light weight cover-up. The one that is advertised in the last IDPA Tactical Journal on page 8. Its cheap and light.
For this weekends match I will probably wear a snowmobile jacket.
Columbia Titanium vest in the summer for compatition and daily wear.

Cold weather I use whatever I happen to put on that day... sweater/ jacket/ etc.
IDPA cover.

I don't shoot IDPA (yet) but for range shooting and practical exercises, I prefer either a sportcoat, light jacket, or untucked shirt. Those are what I usually wear anyway, and when I start shooting IDPA and IPSC when I get home, that is what I will wear.
While they are great for some people, I just don't personally like the photo-tactical type vests.

Note: If you're going to wear a sportcoat/blazer, either buy one off the rack that fits very well, or have it tailored. Make sure to tell the tailor you are an "active" person. (most tailors will recut a coat for about $50 or so, so a Goodwill sportcoat recut could make a cheap purpose-made IDPA cover.)
Where is the "none of the above" box? At the IDPA matches I wear exactly the same clothes I wear every day: a untucked, buttoned up shirt in the summer, and a sweat shirt and usually (being up here in fungus corners) a rain coat in the winter. I have a nice collection of shirts from which my honey has cut the tails and hemmed nicely. Very concealing, not the "ultra speed draw" item, but in the real world they have always functioned just fine. You need to work on the draw a little to get it down, but for me it's the only way to go.

Used to wear

an open, untucked shirt. Now have a vest.

Not what I wear in the real world, but the gun I use for IDPA also isn't my usual carry gun. I use a P90 Ruger for IDPA, and a Sig P232 for usual carry.

The idea (as I understand or interpret it) is to simulate situations. However, it is also a competition, a game if you will, so time and following specfic instructions (two rounds per target) are factors. In reality, I'm probably not just gonna stand there, I'm gonna be trying to move away from the threat. But in IDPA, you have to stay in the box, or move to the box, or whatever, to stay in competition. And you can't break the 180 rule, or you're DQ'd. And in IDPA (at least where I compete) there are sometimes steel plates that must be knocked down. My .45 will do that easily. The .380 must hit high on the steel to knock them down. So again, another failure to translate to reality.

But the main thing for me is to practice shooting at appropriate sized targets outside of the indoor range with the straight ahead paper targets. Where you can't draw from concealment and then shoot. IDPA isn't reality, but it's closer than some alternatives.

Long-winded answer, but some posters seemed (at least to me) to identify IDPA with reality. It isn't, so I don't worry that much that I don't dress the same for IDPA as I do for the rest of life.
I've got two 5.11 vests that are just hanging in the closet since I got my Woolrich Elite vest. i don't forsee buying anything but Woolrich elites from now on.
Notice Ken Hackathorn did a column on vests -

Notice Ken Hackathorn did a column for IDPA on vests - he suggested a particular vest suited him better than the more popular vests because it was easier to put a magazine in the pocket.
In a pure competition, you can't beat 5.11's vest with the weighted/padded inserts. When it gets cold, i just use regular jackets.
I found the vest (vests actually, since I bought several of them) I currently use at JC Penney! They used to sell them under their Arizona brand name.

I still have two brand new ones still sealed in the plastic packaging up in my closet. I figured they'd wear out and I'd never find any more like them.

Of course, that was back in 1999 and now you can find all sorts of vests that work as well or better for IDPA. :rolleyes: