IDPA 2001 Southern Regional, May 26

John Forsyth

New member
The Middle Tennessee Shooters Club, , will host the second annual IDPA Southern Regional in Manchester, TN on Saturday, May 26, 2001. We will be offering 11 or 12 stages of challenging and fun courses of fire. Last year we had approx. 80 shooters attend. This is a one day match, awards and prizes to be given out immediately after the match. Somone will go home with a new Springfield Armory 1911 in .45ACP, to be drawn by lot. Please go to our website for directions and entry form.
WEll, the match was great and I had a pretty good time. It wasn't very stressful, either, since Iscrewed up the first stage so badly that I knew it didn't matter how I shot the rest of the day! ;)

Seriously, I saw some old friends, made some new ones and really enjoyed the event. The stages were set up very well and the match was run very professionally.

Great Job, Middle Tennessee Shooters!
It was great to see you again Rob. If your duties didn't keep you away from IDPA so much I believe you would have kicked butt. It's hard to knock off the rust while shooting a major match! And a special thanks to your wife for coming to shoot with us. She brightens any event she attends. I know how hard it can be for both of you with your busy schedules.

Attendance was a little lower than usual but the quality of the competitors was better than ever. We tried to design realistic stages that test the shooters skill instead of a marathon that tests their endurance. We even had a couple of stages that were just plain fun to shoot.

All things considered, we felt it was a good match. Our space is limited but we try to put in as many challenging stages as it will hold. With some luck, we will begin range construction soon at a new location. We are finalizing plans for a new home on 147 acres. It will take some time to convert the woods into a range but we are looking forward to the challenge. We will post our progress on our web site

Mike Maples (Mikey)
Middle Tennessee Shooters Club