identification of percussion rifles

Joe W

New member
In a local gun shop I saw two percussion rifles hanging on the wall as decorators. As they were high up I could not get a close look at them. At first I thought they were 1863 Springfields or contract 1863s. The owner knew very little about them as a relative had gotten them in a trade and gave them to him. A customer had told him they were worth about $200. each. The owner felt if that was all they were worth he would just as soon use them as decoration.
All he could tell me was that one of them was marked "CS" and under the "CS" "Richmond Va." and the date 1886. I thought 1886 was a bit late for percussion.
The other was only marked "London Armory" no dates or other markings.

Does anyone have any idea what these may be and apx. worth. I know this is not much info. but it is all I have. Thanks
A marked CS could possibly be a Confederate States copy of a Springfield rifled musket made at the Richmond Arsenal. The date of 1886 is wrong, though, as the civil war ended in 1865.

That one could be worth some bucks, but without a lot more information, it's impossible to say.

I went back to the store today and the other partner in the business told me that they are repros mfg some time ago in Itily and marked as such. Oh well, no hidden rebel treasure this time.