Ideas needed

I'm president of our local hunting club and now our club has been established a couple of years we are looking for different types of events to hold. Since it's too hard to take 500 people hunting :) we usually have meetings and days on a range.
I'm going to book a range later this year for a fun type of shoot. Most of the members are hunters not target shooters so I'm looking for ideas for what types of events to run. The range has a 100m range a 600m range and also facilities for shotgun.
We need events for younger and older shooters. We unfortunately have to drive 1 1/2 hours to the range because the local rifle club wont let us on their range., mainly because of political and ego problems with a few of them.
Anyone who wants to attend is welcome, although the 16 hour plane trip and 3 hour drive could be tiring.
Im also organising a 2 weekend shoot at another range later this year so I really need some ideas.

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Sporting Clays is a great sport - if your a shotgunner - if not... For the more tactical guys and gals:

Check a local field for equipment rental information. It is big time fun!

Good idea there is a paintball place an hour away, I've been there once. I would have fun especially if some of the more annoying members are on the other side. Although most shooters here are in their 40s and 50s, but it makes them easier to hit. The older they are the slower they move. Might annoy some of our pc members who think it will portray a bad image, but it's great fun, i'm the president and I ALWAYS get my way eventually anyway :)
Got a meeting ths thursday night, I'll set a date and do it. I wonder if the local rifle club would compete against us, now thats a good idea.

FREE Gun and Hunting Ezine at
Point out that to more cooperative members of the other club that divisiveness like that being shown by the ego-mongers in their group is what will kill our 2nd Amendment rights. Also point out that in the increasing struggle over zoning rules and development, they may one day need help with more voices than their own to keep their range open. Open minds working together for a common cause should be the order of the day.

If not, have your paintball challenge, capture the malcontents, hold them down, and paint a smiley face on their asses at point blank range. "You want your range? I'll give you range. About three feet of range." *THWACK* ;)

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
I don't think they have 2nd Amendment rights. I think they live in Australia. I'm surprised that they can even have paintball equipment.
What's the word, rabbit assassin? Any restrictions?


[This message has been edited by DHH (edited May 25, 1999).]
Paintbal guns in NSW were banned up until 7 or 8 years ago. After the latest gun laws you have to have a firearms licence to own one, which also means locking them up in a safe or cupboard that weighs more than 150kg 70kg ? I forget which or it has to be bolted to the floor.
You don't need a licence to use them though.
On a brighter note just heard the state government will be establishing a game council (which will have a majority of pro hunting members) to manage game in NSW, this hasn't been done before in NSW. This means they can reccomend deer hunting and other seasons and help hunting club members get access to givernment land. There will also be a review on the ban on duck hunting with it likely to be overtyrned and duck hunting resuming in the next couple of years. All happening because we have just 1 Shooters Part MP in parliament. Unfortunately at the recent state election we didn't get another one elected because shooters are lazy and because we are divided. We should have 4 in parliament instead we have one.

FREE Gun and Hunting Ezine at
Why not do something simular to a bowhunting 3-D shoot. Put some animal tagets(paper of course) out and see who gets the best shot. You can put some behind bushes or simulate trees, try to make it interesting. You can ask for just enough money to pay for materials. you could also have little training seminars with the more experienced crowd to aid the less informed folks. try to get them to have a more pleasant hunting experience.

The needs of the many out way the needs of the few.
Another good idea, the bowhunting club has a range on my uncles farm, just up the road from me. I know one of the blokes in charge of the club and he was going to join ours. They only have about a dozen shooting these days, they would be glad to get some of us interested. Right in my back yard and I didn't even think of it.

FREE Gun and Hunting Ezine at
rabbit assasian,
Can ya'll shoot black powder down there or is that illegal too?.....a little messy but an absolute blast(pun intended), surprisingly accurate and reasonably powerful especially .50 and above.....fubsy.
Yes we can shoot blackpowder, they had a rendezvous at the local rifle club here on the weekend, about 70 shooters there. Have to be careful what I say about the rifle club, you never know they might read this. They dress up, camp, and do all the things blackpowder shooters do.
It is actually quite popular here and is growing, A lot of members wouldn't have shot them and would prpbably like to try.
I just want to try one of their little cannons.
Again I get on well with the blackpowder shooters and was going to join the blackpowder club(the formation of this club, for which I am partly responsible has caused quite some tension, stuff you wouldn't believe).
Just have to find somewhere to shoot. I will incorporate it into the day im organising, some blackpowder shooters will be there.

FREE Gun and Hunting Ezine at
rabbit assassin:
Thanks for the information. The latest Shotgun News (June 7) has an article on the Winchester .44-40 written by John Enright. He traces the history of several firearms in Australia and mentions Cowboy Action Shooting. You might find it enjoyable, if you don't mind dressing the part.

Ever think of a "Fruit Shoot" ?

Shoot at Pumpkins, Watermellons, Pawpaws...whatever takes your fancy - Oh yeah, EGGS are a hoot too ! :D

Actually, anything that EXPLODES when shot can be a Target ;)

Bio-degradable too !!

"The Gun from Down Under !"
We had a fun shoot at our range for younger and older shoters. We had 3"X4 1/2" angle iron cut into 3" pieces. Stand the angle on the 4 1/2' side on 4x4 penta treated wood. What you wind up with is ten 3x3" targets sitting on a piece of piece of 4x4 about 4 feet long. Each shhoter has three lines of targets at 15, 25, and 30 yards if they want to shoot with 22 pistols or 25, 30 and 50 yards if they want to shoot with 22 rifles. You have two minutes to shoot as many targets off the 4x4 as you can. no more than 6 rounds in a magazine to even the score for those shooting revolvers. Add some timed bullseye rounds and a moving target round if you can and it works out for lots of fun shooting for all. When I first saw the metal targets, I was concerned about rechochets - but the day went by with no probs. Good luck....
IF you get duck hunters you could do trap
Silhouette or a 22. compition
