Ideas for a 12 Gauge, double barrel (side by side) shotgun


New member
I am looking for ideas regarding a 12 Gauge, double barrel (side by side) shotgun. A bonus would be a shorter barrel and/or auto ejectors. Thank you.
What's the intended usage? Some coach guns are somewhat OK and others are just junk. Heavy use, ala cowboy action, or little use as bedside companion?
You could always look for an older American SxS like an LC Smith and have barrel shortened
What's the intended usage? Some coach guns are somewhat OK and others are just junk. Heavy use, ala cowboy action, or little use as bedside companion?
You could always look for an older American SxS like an LC Smith and have barrel shortened

The main usage will be a fun gun and secondarily home defense.
You might look at the CZ line of double barrels, esp. the hammer versions. With two triggers, not much to do wrong I should think.

All the CZ shotguns are turkish made and have all the same problem potentials of any imported shotgun. The difference is CZ USA has a good reputation for service,and eventually it'll be right.

A classic American shotgun is a nice option, but even a beat up Sterlingworth is a thousand bucks these days. Knowing your used market double barrels is an entire hobby.
Skip the Stoeger, too many issues...the Savage/Stevens aren't that great, but a lot better than the Stoeger
With ANY inexpensive SxS, double triggers and extractors are the way to go. Selective single triggers and ejectors have generated voluminous tales of woe. Please don't hack up any more good old doubles.
good advice on post #10, the select triggers and ejectors need to be done right or problems will rear its ugly head.
good grief!

For heavens sake, don't butcher a vintage double when so many coachguns are available off the rack like those from Stoeger or Baikal. Tight, shooter grade LC.s and even the blue collar Stevens 311's are getting scarce and expensive. The LC's are revered and lopping one would be a travesty.
theres nothing fun about firing a short bbl sbs! LOL.
You mean for you. I have a number of friends that shoot them quite frequently along with other shotguns. If fact with the Ammo shortage they have been a great way to actually have some fun as we have a good supply and actually do not have a problem with getting ammo like center fire ammo.
Personally, I do not find shooting trap/Skeet fun. Each to his own.(Ps, all we hunt with here in the South is Shotguns.)
If you do not like trap or skeet, give sporting a try; much more variety and many different target presentations
If you do not like trap or skeet, give sporting a try; much more variety and many different target presentations
I understand what your are saying and actually did a fair bit of it when I was younger. Just morphed out of it. And now the cost is too much for the enjoyment I get out of it. My club does have a Trap/Skeet range and I help out some times, and get some perks, but actually enjoy just going to the field and shooting clays etc with fast action on the berms. Also just like taking my time and experimenting with different buckshot loads. Deer and turkey is the big thing where I live. Trap and Skeet guys at my club have their own niche. Actually do not see them much on the rifle pistol range.
Not knocking the sport, those that love it, really get into it.
Stevens 311

Don't you dare lop the barrel off an LC Smith, Please?

There are a lot of the Stevens 311 pattern guns out there. Look for Sears and Revelation names too.
Stevens made a lot of the Dept. store branded shotguns. Lots of web resources to learn who made what, all parts interchange once you know who made it and the model number used when sold under the makers name.

Far too many really fine guns trashed with a hacksaw by bubba. Please save them, there are plenty of strong and cheap doubles out there that would be good choices.
Probably not available in the US but food for thought.

Real external hammers with rebounding firing pins, double triggers and extractors.


Hmm. I have a Navy Arms 12 gauge MLer that had quite a severe gouge in one barrel from someone trying to dig “something” out. I lopped the barrels to 14 inches (legal with a muzzleloader). It makes a great rabbit gun when walking the edges of fields at dusk. It is also useful in some of the thick huckleberry patches when I am looking for grouse.
I’ve cut off many double guns. Mostly 12guages. I made some slick looking slug guns out of Stevens 311s and their Store Brand cousins. These Stevens are stout guns and will give good service. You need to look at a blow up of gun you are thinking of buying. A hammer gun is not the best for defensive type shooting. Many of the foreign low end doubles have actual internal hammers with fixed firing pins. This type of gun is junk. Look for good old American made box lock with two triggers.