Ideal Mold Handles


New member
Does anyone know if the handles for Lyman molds (2 cavity) will fit the old Ideal 2 cavity molds? If not, anyone know where I can get a set of Ideal handles cheap?
I thought they were identical.
I would just take the Ideal moulds to a gun shop and try some Lyman handles. If they work, buy them.
Thanks Rifleman, I haope you're right. I have plenty of Lyman handles and just bought the molds on EvilBay. They wont arrive for a few days. The reason I got concerned was I was talking to Lyman CS this morning about something else and they made an offhanded comment that implied the Lyman handles may not fit the Ideal molds.
Lyman handles

There is a set for the older small single cavitys that will not fit "modern" 2 cavitys .

You can recognize em easy , the tongs where the mold goes will be very close !

Most will interchange though, & all late model molds take the same handles except the 4 bangers.

Most people opt for lee 6 cavity handles since there under 15.00 a pair & will fit most molds , & for 15.00 I can drill a hole or 2 !!!
Good News Bad News

Well I got the mold in and the Lyman handles I have fit it fine. The bad news is the longer I used the mold (only cast 40 or so to start with) the harder it was to get the sprue cutter to return home. I'm guessing it had to do with the mold heating up. Any ideas?
I imagine it is the bolt that holds the sprue plate is rotating as you open and close the plate, eventually getting tighter and tighter. You should have some sort of lock washer between the bolt head and the plate that will help keep the bolt from rotating. Some folks actually drill and tap a hole into the side of the mold, to hold the bolt in place, once the tension is set.
If it`s a Lyman there should be a set screw to jam the plate bolt with .

If it`s tite back it off a bit & use a little lube on it , but just a tad ,most everything likes to run when hot !!!

Bullplate lube is THE best for this application !!!