Idea to promote FOUP


New member
It seems Foup is losing steam. We had a good start, but things have slowed to a crawl. I've got an idea which I've briefly discussed with Rob via e-mail. He suggested I post it here so we could get the members opinions.
My idea is to promote FOUP at the Ducks Unlimited Great Outdoors Festival in Memphis June 4,5 &6. During those three days we will have the opportunity the present FOUP to thousands of gun owners from every type of shooting sport plus almost every major manufacturer of firearms and sporting goods. This is too good an thing to pass up.
For those of you who are unfamilar with the Festival, this event takes over the entire grounds of Agricenter International and is divided into various villages of interest to outdoorsmen. Some of which are Shooting, Archery, Fishing, Off-road vehicles, Camping, Hunting dogs and consevation. This is a "Hands On" event. You actually get to shoot the guns and bows, drive the 4X4s and ATVs and try out the gear. There is also a huge vendor area to buy your hearts desire.

I have come up with four options for FOUP.

Plan A: We rent a booth on venders row. Staff it with volunteers. We talk to people, tell them what FOUP is all about and sign them up on the spot.
Cost: $900 for a 10X10 booth plus printing of supporter forms and a few signs.

Plan B: Same as plan A, but we use some of the TFL members industy connections to borrow some space in someone elses booth.
Cost: printing

Plan C: We beg, borrow or steal a corner of a table in as many booths as possible. Set out a stack of supporter forms with a sign that says "Take One".

Plan D: TFL volunteers walk around working the crowd with a stack of forms in hand.

Personally, I like Plan A. Yes, I'm aware that this will cost us alot. But, by having our own booth we prove that this is a serious, legitimate effort to have our voices heard. It takes money to make money.
Regardless of the outcome of this post, I promise that at least one person will be working Plan D.

The floor is open to discussion.
Grayfox, I mistakingly read Plan D as wacking the crowd with a stick !

Come to think of it, not a bad idea ! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
I like 'em all if we can get the hands at the event. Is this on a weekend? If so, I can't make it unless I win the lottery in the meantime. My creditors demand that I maintain gainful employment for some reason.
Yep, its a weekend. Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
You've got a valid point on the manpower issue. I had planned to start a "Who's gonna be there?" thread next month. I see no reason not to start now. So, along with your opinions let us know if you can come help out and when you'll be there. Once we know how many bodies we've got, we can go ahead and work on scheduling and logistics. Since the thing is practicaly in my back yard, I'll be there all three days.
Plan A or B is Ok with me. Is there the 900.00 in the bank?

Keep the Faith and the Constitution

[This message has been edited by JHS (edited April 18, 1999).]
HEY! Where is everybody? C'mon folks, we need to rekindle the fire here. I need information to work with. Speak up!
This fire ain't dead. Rob's on point and, unfortunately, he's out of pocket. He was down here in FL all last week on a competitive shoot and is in transit to NY today or tomorrow.

As it's his show, I don't want to start making decisions for him. Please be patient. When he was here, he explained that, when he gets back to TN, he will redouble his efforts.
Thanks Rich...

As noted, I reviewed the ideas and I leaned towards D or C... in as much as I was personally planniong on doing both things anyway.. I will also look into plan B, if there aer people will ing to man the borrowed space in the booths...
I can virtually guaruntee that I will be able to find space for at least one team to hand out forms and collect checks... Probably two or three...

If you plan on being in Memphis and would like to help out, make yourself known here and I;ll come up with some type of plan... I'll be doing other business during the weekend, but will work FOUP as often as usual....

I am very reluctant to take any money out of the project for space.. if I did, the argument could be made that there are better places to rent space (NRA show in two weeks, for example...).. so I don't even want to get that started.....