idea I have for deer hunting


New member
I had an idea today, I don't know if it is new or others have tried it, So I will ask to find out if someone has and if so how it worked.

My Idea is to take a big cotton ball and tie some fishing string on it. When I go in the woods I will place a few drops of my deer scent on it and then hang it in a tree by my tree stand.

what do you all think about this idea
A buddy of mine used to take a pole and an old gray sock coyote hunting. He would cast the sock over a bush, and twitch it if he spotted a coyote coming to his calling. No matter how I teased him, he used it and it worked for him. Mike
Try tampons.....they are much cheaper than those $1.00 each wicks they sell at the hunting stores, and they already have the strings "built in"......Just make sure to cut them down when you are done, The landowner may freak out if he sees them hanging all over the lease:D

Also, dont hang them too close to your hide because the deer will see you...instead hang them a short distance away
I put cotton balls soaked with scent in plastic film canisters. When you set them out, simply pull the caps off and stick in your pocket. When you retreive the canisters, put the caps back on.
I used to know an outfitter in Northern Maine that used a similar method. He'd wet maxi-pads with scent and attach them to his boot laces so that they flopped back and forth when he was walking to and from his tree stand. Helped cover his scent too and from the stand and laid a trail to it for a buck to follow. I've never tried it myself, but he's still in business so he must be doing something right.
I think it was Long Path who had a post a long time ago in which he said he used some toilet paper wrapped around a handwarmer that had doe scent on it. I think he said it drove the bucks crazy.
I used a drag rag, a piece of old towel attached to 5 feet of sanitized string. Clipped or tied to the back of my belt, it got soaked in lure and then forgotten about until I was maybe 30 yards from my stand. Then it was refreshed with scent hung from a limb. When leaving it went into a ziplock until the next time.

Works best with very good scent discipline, and then works very well indeed...
