Idaho Bill Proposed


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Idaho: Permitless Carry Introduced in the Gem State

As of President’s Day, the Idaho Senate had introduced Senate Bill 1126 and assigned it to the State Affairs Committee. Commonly known as Permitless Carry legislation, this bill would amend the existing concealed carry law to allow law-abiding Idahoans to carry a concealed firearm without the burdensome requirement of acquiring an Idaho carry permit. The approval of this pivotal legislation would bode well for law-abiding citizens of Idaho who wish to protect not only themselves but family and friends alike.

In Idaho today it is generally legal to carry a firearm openly as long as one is at least 18 years of age and not prohibited from possessing a firearm. However, if the firearm becomes covered with a coat, or if a woman prefers to carry a firearm in her purse, one needs to possess a concealed carry permit. The intent of this legislation is to give honest people the greatest possible freedom to choose the best method of carry for them, based on attire, gender, and/or physical attributes.

Please contact the members of the Senate State Affairs Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to support SB 1126!
Senate State Affairs Committee

Senator Curt McKenzie (R-12), Chairman
Phone: (208) 332-1326

Senator Russell M. Fulcher (R-21), Vice Chairman

Senator Bart M. Davis (R-33)
(208) 332-1305

Senator Brent Hill (R-34)
(208) 332-1300

Senator John McGee (R-10)
(208) 332-1304

Senator Chuck Winder (R-14)
(208) 332-1354

Senator Patti Anne Lodge (R-13)

Senator Edgar J. Malepeai (D-30)
(208) 332-1406

Senator Michelle Stennett (D-25)
(208) 332-1353

This is great, I sure hope it passes...if any of you are affected by Idaho Legistlature, please help support this bill
Used to live in East Idaho a couple of years ago. The open carry is kinda pointless. What are you going to wear a holster on top of your coat and have your gun covered in snow? Its so cold there most of the year.

And a lot of areas are so rural it can help people protect from wolves/mountain lions/and bears - after all, Yellowstone is just an hour from east Idaho.

Also, there is something important about being able to defend yourself when the sheriff might be over an hour away!

Hope it passes for all the Idahoans!
Your post opens by indicating a quote, but there is no indication of what or who is being quoted. Care to identify the source so we can read the actual bill?
So it was DOA. Before the next Idaho legislative session comes up I am going email my representatives urging them to enact this legislation.
As it stands today Alaska, Arizona, and Wyoming have adopted Constitutional Carry legislation.

Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, and West Virginia have recently considered Constitutional Carry legislation.

I find it encouraging many states are at least considering enacting Constitutional Carry legislation. I remember in the late '80's most states had "may issue" legislation that offered a CCW. And at that time approximately one third of the states had "no issue" CCW laws. Now almost all states operate under "shall issue" doctrine. And only two states are "no issue" Wisconsin and Illinois. So progress is being made slowly but surely.
Let us not forget that Vermont has always had Constitutional carry. The big difference there is that Vermont does not offer the option of voluntarily taking out a permit for carry in other states that universally honor home state permits.