This very interesting rifle, appears to be a good example of a flintlock converted to percussion in the mid 1800's, using available parts
It was originally a pretty nice flintlock, the brass buttplate, patchbox, set triggers, guard all speak to that.
the iron toeplate may be a replacement, at least the roundhead screw standing proud is!
The marks at the muzzle are examples of some minor embellishment in a better rifle, seldom if ever found on trade guns, and more elaborate work is found on "fine rifles"
- the obviously cut-down stock
- the fore-end cap appears to be a sheetmetal piece crudely fitted and filled out with - is that "white lead"?
- tang and breech plug assembly looks ... odd... as if there was a hook at the bottom, and the tang almost appears to be welded on ?
but the tang-to-stock fit looks "good"... but if the older tang had been smaller the newer larger tang could have been fitted. I am also puzzled by the "grime" that we see between the tang and the barrel - could it just be wear & tear?
- barrel rib was obviously made for a "round" barrel like a fowler, not octagonal, then soldered on.
- wiping stick thimbles are very basic formed sheet stock, soldered onto rib, and to be honest, a functional but poorly crafted job.
- The left side lock bolt is just not right for the fine inlay brass patchbox work - it should not be standing proud like that, it looks like a lock bolt the fellow happened to have when converting from flint to percussion.
as previously pointed out the lock is a poorly fitted replacement, and there is much wood missing. also note that the percussion lock has a square tail (that usually places the lock it in the "mid 19th century) , whilst the original stock was cut for a round tail; and the front of the lock drops in a manner that the stock does not match .
look at track of the wolf for some examples:
on this example notice the round tail and the complete wood at the front of the lock:
on this example notice the square tail and missing wood - the vendor identifies this as a Leman lock
just my 2 bits
prof marvel