ICORE Nagant stage name


New member
Hello, all.

We just ran our first International Confederation of Revolver Enthusiasts (ICORE) match yesterday. We had a small turnout, but it's a start. A lot of my friends (including myself) have Nagant revolvers. I'm going to have a side match next month for that gun exclusively. I'm trying to think of a good catchy name for the stage, something done in fun. Since most of our Nagants are stamped with production dates during WWII, I'm thinking of calling the stage "Nazi, Nazi, Who's Shot the Nazi?" or "Zhukov's Revenge"... something like that. Any suggestions from the gallery?

By the way, if any of you are revolver shooters near central Missouri, let me know so I can send match information.

Welcome to ICORE. We recently started an ICORE chapter in the Richmond, CA area; the Richmond Hot Wheels. AND we all just got back from the 10th annual International Revolver Championship in Morro Bay, CA where Rudy Waldinger--our club mentor--took 2nd Master. We will miss him when he heads off to Virginia next month.

Autos have been taking the spotlight for a while with IPSC, but we are noticing more and more revolvers at the range and in the IPSC matches around here. About two years ago as a new competitor I could usually count on taking 2n or 3rd place revolver by default, just due to lack of revolvers. That is changing. A large percentage of shooters began with a revolver and enjoy "returning to their roots".

ICORE members tend to be more lay back behind the firing line and many shooters find this a refreshing change from the equipment oriented IPSC/USPSA. And they like the fact that our rule book is probably less than half as thick as IPSC/USPSA.

Again, welcome to a very enjoyable activity.

As an aside, with 8 months of handgun shooting under my belt at age 53 that 2nd or 3rd place revolver put me ahead of 1/4 of the auto shooters at matches. (Hah!) Now the mostly stock revolver shooters are placing over half way up the pack against autos and race guns.