I wonder what would happen if Atlas really did shrug?


New member
I see a lot of discussion here about one or another way of arguing with the anti-RKBA crowd but I seldom see anything about the ultimate weapon. I wonder why?

No, I'm not talking about some super mall ninja gun, I mean the weapon that Ayn Rand discussed over a half century ago. What would happen if the 80 million gun owners in America just woke up one morning, rolled over and went back to sleep? What would happen if they called in sick from work, didn't buy any gas or potato chips or "See Rock City" teeshirts?

Might be more effective if they peacefully parked their cars in all the parking places for a couple of blocks around the courthouses then gathered to sit in their lawn chairs on those courthouse lawns, but then again it might be just as good to just absent themselves for a few days. Do you think anyone would notice if this many voters just tuned out for a few days?
I mean the weapon that Ayn Rand discussed over a half century ago.

The weapon Ayn Rand discussed required a location away from the rest of society and a magical invention that didn't exist. She didn't talk about a sit in or a sit out, but something that required a complete collapse of society.
MeekAndMild said:
What would happen if the 80 million gun owners in America just woke up one morning, rolled over and went back to sleep?

I don't have to wonder, I see it every year in Wisconsin. We call it "deer season."

And I'm not kidding. We have so many guys on "sick leave" during our gun season that one time our Janesville truck plant had to shut down the assembly line. And that's in an area where closing a plant ruins the entire economy.

Northern Wisconsin also abuts the peninsula portion of Michigan. This area of the state is euphemistically called The Upper Peninsula, or the "U-P." We refer to the folks fondly as "the yoopers." Everybody in that general area loves football and hunting. And the Yoopers are known for being the best hunters in the state.

I swear these guys, using nothing but Winchester 94's and a pocket full of 30-30 reloads, could lick Al Quida simply on a tavern bet.

However, come deer season you don't here the sound of GMC 2500's, nor snowmobiles, nor Oprah coming from the doublewides. Man, woman and child is either in a tree stand or butchering a deer in the shed.

What chills the economy is when no one deer hunts. About two seasons ago we had some crazy DNR rules, sparse snow and high ammo prices. People stayed home.

During that season I was at Perkins Restaurant in Madison. Over in the next booth I heard the infamous expression, "Yeah, sure, by golly." That's the mating call of the adult mating age yooper.

Imagine that, a yooper this far south.
I see a lot of discussion here about one or another way of arguing with the anti-RKBA crowd but I seldom see anything about the ultimate weapon. I wonder why?

Do you think anyone would notice if this many voters just tuned out for a few days?

Sure people would notice, but how would this help the RKBA issue? What is the connection between RKBA and the boycotting of society?
I believe there is a lot less than 80 Million gun owners in the US. The US Gov has it tallied at 35 million, while pro RKBA groups inflate it to 80 million. As they say the truth is some where in between so I would say their are about 40-50 million gun owners at best.
I believe there is a lot less than 80 Million gun owners in the US. The US Gov has it tallied at 35 million, while pro RKBA groups inflate it to 80 million. As they say the truth is some where in between so I would say their are about 40-50 million gun owners at best.

That, and how many of any hypothetical 80 million gun owners own guns (or care to) that any but the most rabid anti-gun politicians are looking to ban. That 80 million must include at least some folks that own a bolt-action rifle or a over-under shotgun and have no desire to own more.
I believe there is a lot less than 80 Million gun owners in the US. The US Gov has it tallied at 35 million, while pro RKBA groups inflate it to 80 million. As they say the truth is some where in between so I would say their are about 40-50 million gun owners at best.

What do you base your view on?
The problem is getting 80 million (or even 40, or even 20) to engage in any sort of concerted action. As it is, even the NRA, last I heard, has 4 to 5 million members. But if any one of the RKBA organizations had 20 million members, it could significantly improve the political landscape for us.
What is the connection between RKBA and the boycotting of society?
Probably more than you think.

Sometimes boycotts give a demonstrate the necessity of the people involved and sometimes they don't. In the 60's era bus boycotts the powers that be realized Black citizens were important contributors to society and their absence hurt more than anyone realized. It wasn't a matter of kindness nor agreement so much as the sudden dawning of the idea that "these folks are very important to our society and we really need them".

On the other hand did anyone notice the recent Iraq War related boycotts? Of course not, and that's because most of the folks boycotting and picketing were essentially drones.

So do you think someone would notice it if teachers, nurses, storekeepers, architects, janitors, bus drivers, bricklayers and others from all walks of life (except for hollywood starlets and rock singers) said collectively, "If we're not important enough to have the individual right to self defense then try to function without us for a week"?
You wanted to know what would happen if folks just went back to bed or called in sick, effectively dropping out of society. You failed to mention that this would be in conjunction with an appropriate publicity campaign that would have to activily report why the dropout was happening. You have two different aspects here. You have those that drop out from society and those who stay very well connected with society to explain the dropout. In your original description, you failed to not that the reason for the dropout would be publicized.

With that said, our country gets attacked and we can't even get 80 million people to agree on combat-based retalliation.
Here is one source from 1997 that pegs the number a 44 million, so I suspect their to be less gun owners today.


i would think there would be more.

i know more new people who have purhased firearms in the last year or 2 than the previous 10 years combined.

society may be getting more and more anti gun,but that also makes those who arent far more likely to buy.

bans and the threat of bans sell alot...and not just to current owners.
would think there would be more.

i know more new people who have purhased firearms in the last year or 2 than the previous 10 years combined.

society may be getting more and more anti gun,but that also makes those who arent far more likely to buy.

bans and the threat of bans sell alot...and not just to current owners.

It is common knowledge that gun owner numbers have been decreasing for at least thirty years. What ever the reason for the decrease, several independent studies have shown a decrease in gun ownership in the US. This has been brought up before on this site and others. Please do a search if you don't believe me. My personal belief is their is a cultural shift happening in this country because the country is becoming more urban. Already the majority of the population live in urban areas, while rural areas are declining in population.
There are gun owners and then there are Gun Owners.

I know a gun owner whose main purchasing priority right now is "getting an AK-47 before they're banned." This man is a staunch supporter of the very people who would do the banning. He just doesn't get it and I think he is fairly representative of at least three quarters of the people who own guns in this country.

Regardless of whether there are 80 million, 50 million or 40 million; gun owners will never have the effect on society that you are suggesting.

Gun Owners, on the other hand, (there are perhaps 6-10 million of them) can have a great impact through various political and social activities. Unfortunately, getting them all going in the same direction is like herding cats.
You guys are talking about the famous poltical protest of the General Strike.

Quite common in Europe and used to great effect in history.

Call one, I'll join.

WildhaveyouhuggedyourS&W610todayAlaska TM
Here is one source from 1997 that pegs the number a 44 million, so I suspect their to be less gun owners today.

Probably looks that way from up north. I suspect 80 million is about right. But then I live in Texas.
Probably looks that way from up north. I suspect 80 million is about right. But then I live in Texas.

Well I am not going by what it looks like, I am going by what studies have shown. What it looks like Texas or up North means nothing when nation wide the number are decreasing. Unless you have proof, from a independent study that the numbers are increasing then it is all conjecture. What is a fact is the numbers across the US are decreasing.
the main point is this: if Atlas shugs, that is, if the people refuse to take part in the corrupt system, then it will shut down. It doesn't have to be everybody, just those who see the system for the atrocity that it is.

It may be the most effective way, outside of a bloody revolution, to effect positive changes in our society.

There have always been a small percentage of society that chooses to "live off the grid. I think that number is growing as more and more become disenchanted with the direction that things are going in this country. There are books dedicated to the concept. One that comes to mind is "Ragnar's Guide to the Underground Economy" by Ragnar Benson. More people choosing to live off the grid means less money for the establishment. Right now the numbers are too small to make a real difference (though I applaud those who do take a stand) But it wouldn't take much, perhaps only a day if the numbers were large enough, for the establishment to realize that without the productive members of society their system will collapse.