I wonder if its just me that does.

While at work or at home we usually stay focused on what's happening around us. But there are times we just need to tune everything out. How many times a day do you fine yourself

Thinking or day-dreaming about. >Being in the woods, field, or blinds, including unusual events that took place while hunting that are still fresh in our mind?

Where does this circumstance take place most often? (home, job, vehicle)

When I worked on my job I did it allot. Now that I'm retired. I've taken noticed nothings changed. Just different boss's is all._:D

Mrs. WBB says I do it 24-7. Between my 3 kids and My son-in-law, our conversations used to center around deer season, all year long. She finally established the rule in my house that talking anything deer could not be done between January 1st and September 1st.:D
WBB, my wife tried to make a rule like that too. Yup, she tried:D

I day dream about hunting everyday, at home, work and in the vehicle. It gets really bad in April, right after I apply for elk tags. It gets worse in late May after I apply for my deer tags. And everyone knows that by mid August (2 weeks before dove season opens) they just need to leave me alone because I only have one thing on my mind!
What was that? What did you ask? Do I daydream?
I do it enough I started wondering if I should go get checked out by a doctor.

It just took me 10 minutes to think of what I was going to type. The trees sure smell good outside.
I've already started preparing for the upcoming season. We've got only four months, and a lot of stuff to do. If you're not thinking about it, you're way behind. Which reminds me, I need to talk with my brother-in-law about relocating a box stand.
When I was real young, I spent most of the day daydreamin' about the opposite sex. Once I was married and thru the middle years of my life, those daydreams turned to ruttin' bucks, struttin' Toms and large fightin' Esox. Nowadays, I mostly daydream about what's for supper.........
I've spent most of my time since childhood daydreaming about something related to being in the woods, hunting, camping, fishing, shooting or guns. With the occasional thought of something automotive-related.
I have actual dreams while I'm asleep about hunting quite often. It's almost always me walking out into a large field about 300 yards across, seeing the buck of a lifetime at the far corner of the field, laying down prone and shooting at it, and missing it. Every dang time:mad: I guess I should call that a nightmare instead of a dream.
I am with PawPaw on this one. I have already relocated one tree stand with 3 more waiting in boxes to be put up and only 3 and a 1/2 months left till bow season opens. I am running behind, if you guys aren't thinking about it yet something is wrong:)
I almost had a good one today. While the wife was out playing in her flower gardens. I quickly decided to take a mid-morning nap. (lots of company yesterday) I guess I was dreaming I was climbing up the latter to my stand. Got near the door and looked off to the right side. BIG BUCK standing there watching me. Not more than 50 feet away in the open. I mean he had more tines than I have coats to hang on them. One of those once in a lifetime giants. So I slowly turned and got my feet resituated as best I could on that latter. Brought that old 45 Hawken's stock up slowly into my upper arm lifted its barrel up enough to just barely aim down those iron sights. And I heard the wife ask__ "where's your truck keys Hon. I need to move it. Oh I'm sorry did I wake you." {Oh for the want of a lock on that bedroom door.}_:rolleyes:

I was daydreaming just the other day about getting out and coyote hunting. Finally, 2 days ago I was able to get out and do it. About 15 minutes into my stand a big male came from the complete opposite way that I was expecting. I had no way to get the gun on him and he busted me and took off. I dropped my shooting sticks, swung my AR over, and flipped him as he was in a small clearing about 120 yards away. Never in my wildest dreams did I flip a running coyote like that :D
I'm a dirty old man, when I'm not thinking about women, I'm thinking about hunting shooting and fishing in about that order...

Many threads about hunting or shooting dredge up memories of past events. I may respond with a post, but often I do get to day-dreaming of what once was...
Not very often. Sometimes during season I get to thinking about the next trip. Hunting doesn't rule my world.