I wish Canada had the second amendment


New member
Just recently, a school board trustee in Vancouver, BC (Canada) wrote the Prime Minister and asked him why it was that she could be issued a CCW in the state of Utah and carry her firearm in 30 other states but she did not have the right to carry her firearm in a concealed manner in Canada? I would have to admit I have wondered that very same thing.

One politician claims that we as civilized people don't carry guns to resolve social issues. Excuse me?! Has this guy ever been threatened within an inch of his life? By his statement I would think not. The police say that the reason they're being paid is to protect the public and the public doesn't need to carry a concealed firearm. Hmmmmm.:rolleyes: Guess they might be missing the bigger picture here or are politically motivated to say what they did. In any event, the firearms association in Canada is telling the public this is a good thing and that more women should be speaking up for their right to carry a concealed weapon.

Agree or disagree. Not really a question but more of an observation. Seems kind of problematic if we only allowed the feminine persuasion to carry a concealed weapon. The association should have made sure we took the gender rationalization out of it and said we should all have the right to bear arms. Call your local politician and tell him you want your rights!

Firstly, the majority of Canadians aren't raised with firearms the way our American couterparts are and of those that are are handling firearms, the majority are long arms. Secondly, we have so many restrictions attached to the acquisition of a firearm, most can't be bothered with all the red tape. (glad I did though). Then there are the categories of prohibited firearms that starts with a minimum barrel length of 105mm (4.14"). You cannot own a tazer or other non lethal defence device such as this. Hell, if a girl is found with capsicum in her purse because they're going out for dinner and dancing and she wants to ensure her safety in the event of, they're put through the ringer by the local LE. If a hunter is found with it in their possession, nothing is thought about it. Carry on.

Now my personal view point is that we should all have the right to protect ourselves from harm caused by another individual. In Canada, you have NO such right. Even if you beat the assailant who wants your wallet, car and wife with a stick you found on the side of the road, you're the one being charged and the the other party walks. And by the way, it takes our local constabulary at least 15 minutes to arrive because they are under manned. They were supposed to be able to protect the public! Something wrong with that scenario isn't there?

The bad guys are running around with illegal automatic weapons and we might as well be using a leather sling with rocks to protect ourselves (and you only get one rock).

If the need to protect myself arises, I'll be forced to roll over and beg for mercy because I never had time to load my sling. Maybe they'll let me live!

The price you pay for the place you live I guess. :confused:

If there is anywhere in Canada you are going to be robbed/mugged or attacked, Vancouver BC is it! I know I used to live there. ( I was safer in Toronto where I was born and raised)
The Police in Vancouver are the laziest sacks of crap I have ever seen. On 1 occasion I needed Police assistance (My Identity was stolen, and I tracked the guy down), and they refused to even right a report or talk to me. They said it was a civil matter, not a Police matter! Not only Police, but Fire services are lacking. Where I worked we had a small fire start (I suspect careless smoking from an employee, but we couldn't prove it). I called 911 and it took them 22 min. to respond, and we were 1.5 miles away from the firehouse. In Toronto they would have taken 5 min or less. Same with Police response. I wonder where the tax money goes! BC stands for Bring Cash. Living costs so much more than the rest of Canada
Anyway, back on topic. Canada is full of pansies! Not everyone, just most. I learned to shoot in the Canadian Army, and Love shooting! Heck I went yesterday for 2 hours. British Columbia when I moved in 2003 had just removed the word gun from childrens vocabulary because it suggested violence. Most of my fellow employees agreed with that move. Everyone I knew would be Hillary Supporters if they were American.
Thank God I married my wife and we live in Georgia. As a permanent resident I got my Concealed weapon permit in 6 weeks, and I just filed for my C&R. I love America more than Canada. I can assure you I am not going home anytime soon, if ever!
A CCW is not to solve social issues. It is to be used in accordance with the laws of the state to protect the life of yourself or of another person. That is called "self defense" not a "social issue".

If a politician considers self defense a social issue its time to elect new politicians.
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I agree with the previous posters.

What you have there is something akin to the ostrich with its head in the ground syndrome. You have a dystopia that is caused by the powers that be that claim that since you have a utopia, there can be no problems, hence nobody needs to defend themselves. It completely ignores human nature, it completely ignores the fact that there are no and never will be any such thing as a utopia. There will always be a fundamentally evil segment in any human society, a segment that will be violent and will not be deterred by anything short of lethal force in the hands of their intended victims. Police aren't a bad thing, but they aren't and can't be the entire solution to this -- they can't be everywhere protecting everybody simultaneously, at least not if the rights of the citizenry are to be respected and the government isn't to be bankrupted by the HUGE payroll that would be required.

I agree that politicians that hold and enforce such views aren't fit for office. They truly aren't in touch with reality, and don't understand human nature. Your only options are twofold:

> Get to cracking on a grass-roots overhaul of the system. Throw the bums out, and get something like our 2nd Amendment enacted that will clearly spell out your rights to be armed.

> Failing that, get outta there. Find some way to emigrate to "Free America".
Let me understand, there is such a thing as privately held firearms in Canada? A shotgun? Hunting rifle? Para-Ordanance made pistol? :)
Amnesty international

I see any country that denies it's citizens/subjects? the basic right of self defense against criminal attack are just as bad as ones that deny the rights of religion, free speech, etc, maybe more so. So why doesn't one of these international rights committees make up a list and publicise this horrible practice? I mean more is at stake than in some of the lesser "oppressions" that they love to dote on. Just proves they may have an agenda besides real rights. The very best that can be said about those that create these conditions is that they are deluded. Possibly they think that if no one ever defends themselves, that criminals will become kinder! Or the elite can have their body guards and security as they see fit, and the commoners are no different whether criminal or not. What baffles me is that the masses buy into that unless they are personally victims. We see it here too. Just not enough yet to shift the balance far enough to the left to implement it.
"Subjects" vs. "Citizens"!

Exactly! I would also read up on what has happened in UK and Australia in just a few years and is starting to happen in New Zealand. Also read up on the Magna Carta, written in 1215. Lots of luck to our Canadian friends. Help us stop the North American Union (SPP). It will end the sovereignty of both our countries.

Now that I have your attention, when will the anti-gunners, tree huggers, and any other activist group get it together. Why should I have to succumb to their ideologies? I thought this was a free country where I HAD rights and freedoms. Well according to what we call the Charter of Rights and Freedoms any way. If this is the case, if I choose to carry a concealed weapon because I fear for my safety or those of my loved ones, who's to say that I can't?

Oh wait, if I do I go to jail! Nice freedom of choice we have.

How do I join the USA? and I'll even pay for my own medicare!

How do I join the USA? and I'll even pay for my own medicare!

The short answer is move. But, if you like Canada, and it is a beautiful place, fight the unjust laws. Someone said "the only rights you have are the ones you're willing to fight for". The problem in the USA is convincing the GDP (Generally Dumb Public) that there is a problem. Nobody sees anything wrong until their own ox gets gored.

"Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction." -Thomas Jefferson

"There are three kinds of people. There's them that learn by readin' and there's them that learn by watchin'. Then there's that third type that's gotta whizzz on the electric fence for themselves."

--Will Rogers--

I live 60 miles south of Toronto. Most of the Canadians I know don't care about being able to bear arms. If a government tells a urban population that they don't need to take care of themselves enough, the people will start to believe it. Look at NYC, DC, Chicago and Detroit. The hope for freedom is not in the big cities of the world.
Hopefully the free-er portions of the US and Canada will keep up the fight and keep trying to educate their foolish urban brothers and sisters.
Hope of Freedom

The hope of Freedom is in your heart.
All people yearn to be free.. question is will you pay the price?

Freedom is GOD given, but maintained by diligence, action and sometimes blood.
If I remember correctly, it wasn't all that long ago that Canada didn't have a constitution. Of course, they do have an Offical Secrets Act, and have had this for quite some time, correct me if I'm wrong.

Canada is a foreign country, with it's own laws and traditions, different from ours.

I understand completely....living in California is almost just like living in Canada in regards to carrying concealed weapons (it's just a tad warmer here though :D ). I agree with you...it's pretty discouraging.
Western Canadian provinces need (and yes I mean need) to apply to join the union.

I'm in Gramps! There was some talk of this action some fifteen to twenty years ago if not more. It was to be BC, Alberta, Washington, Oregon and Idaho. There is a lot of wealth in these five jurisdictions and it would seem we all have a bent against the dictators of the east. During an election, we already know who's won by the time 5 o'clock comes around! I don't think it takes a brain surgeon to figure out that when 2/3rds of the population lives in 2 provinces, the odds are that what they say pretty much goes. Nice democracy :rolleyes:

The short answer is move.

As far as moving, "they" (immigration or whoever controls it in the USA) won't let you just "move" to the USA. Ummm something about sponsorship. Heck, I have a post graduate education, been working in the same industry for 25 years - no criminal record, I would bring money and not be a burden on the system but yet - I need sponsorship. Oh well.

It would almost appear that we are being taunted into illegal situations just to protect our own butts. Sounds like a catch 22 if you ask me.

I live 40 miles from the nearest city of 40,000 and if someone were to come out here, break into my home, assault me and my wife, I'm not supposed to protect myself? THINK AGAIN! - I guess it's a good thing I have a really big dog.

Now I know this has nothing to do with not having CCWs in Canada but it's all Gramp's fault. :D

The discouraged HiltonFarmer

Let's start the union Gramps!