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with the wife of all people and we had a blast. I was originally going with a friend to a gun club fundraiser but I managed to convince my wife to come with at the last minute. I wasn't expecting her to participate but she was convinced by one of the instructors to try it. all I can say is, wow. I started off using my friend's Winchester 1300 pump, but after missing nearly all 25 of my shots the instructor came to the conclusion that it was shooting a foot low. when we did a new round I started with a Remington 1100 semi-auto and then switched to a Browning Citori O/U.....I loved the O/U! it felt comfortable in my hands, it loaded and unloaded with ease and I hit more targets than I did with the pump shotguns I was using. I was also very proud of my wife. this is the woman whom i've been trying to convince to allow me to keep a firearm in the house and who doesn't like guns. the fact that she was a good sport about trap shooting made me happy. I know it's not something she'll want to do again but I know she had fun during our time out.