I watched an AR-15 30 Carbine upper conversion unit.

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Production has been suspended due to seeing that it is essentially "reinventing the wheel".

I really like the M1 Carbine because the darned thing works within it's original design parameters (200 yard effective maximum killing range). The .30 Carbine gives up little to the 5.56 x 45 cartridge within 150 yards. It is quite effective for antipersonnel work for "house clearing" and home defense.

I routinely hear the AR 15 lovers tout their arm selection out to 400 yards. I'll agree with that. Be truthful, how often do civilians engage in a "shootout with a "bad guy" beyond 60 feet? (20 yards)? Somehow I don't think that number will be large. Even the Police rarely engage opponents beyond 50 yards (well within the effective range of the M1 Carbine).

Since the police need to spend more money every fiscal year than they had before (in order to justify their budgets). The Department/Bureaus sell and upgrade their equipment annually. Civilians, on the other hand, do not. We have to take care of ourselves and are constrained by our finances.

The people that developed a .30 Carbine upper for the AR rifle were looking at a cost-effective conversion for the AR, but stopped production due to it's impracticality. It was too expensive to produce!

It seems somewhat silly to chamber an AR in .30 Carbine because the AR is, generally, a pound heavier than the original M1 Carbine!

It was a clever idea, but not altogether a very good idea.

I see it as an exercise in futility.

But it's an AR! (And THAT ALONE is GUARANTEED to make it "tacticool"... right)? ;) :p :confused: :rolleyes:

Well... back to the drawing board! :o
captain O see my thread on the newly made 30 carbines. I may buy one of these. I have only shot one MI carbine but it was a really neat little rifle.

I have wondered why ruger never chambered the mini-14 in 30 carbine or why no one else made a semi auto to fire it. People like the rifles and the round and a cheaper version should sell.

Heck I would like to have an H&R Handi rifle in the 30 caliber round. It would be an american Rook&Rabbit rifle. How cool is that.
This getting repetitive - find a previous carbine thread and comment in there.

We don't need so many. Also being informative to the specific gun as compared to tantrums about ARs would be useful. That's a hint.

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