I was reading some pages and saw a post I have to reply to shooting with bifocals


When I reached 40, I had a terrible time seeing my front sight.
Because I am an Optician I started playing around with what would help me.
When I got it perfected, friends, folks at the range started asking me if I could make the glasses for them. In my old shop I had articles in Field and stream December 2007 pages 46 and 48 and then in Gunblast by leroy thompson/safevision.

What I have come up with is a higher quality press on bifocal that goes on top of your dominant eye's lens. with teh lens on top, you then return to proper shooting stance- leaning into the recoil, chin slightly tucked looking straight down the barrel of the gun.
a normal bifocal is set for 14-16 inches and if your about 6 feet tall, shooting something to a standard 1911 carriage gun- the front sight is going to be about 26 inches away and it will not be focused- I reduce the power of the bifocal and you have almost instant target acquisition and sight picture recovery between shots, is so minimal- you become a much quicker shooter.
I have many Law enforcement Officers, Military and private contractors using this system- Take a look and see what you think-
One of my best accomplishments is "Old Joe" he is a WW2 and Korea Army sargent- he used to shoot 2 times a week, then it became once a weekn thenonce every two weeks, then once a month-, right before he got our glasses, he was going to sell his armory ( now that would be said) because he couldn't hit squat-
The range owners said within two weeks "Old Joe" was back and the "kids"( 40 and 50 year olds) do not like getting beat by an Old man!
"Old Joe" is back to shooting in his league and has that swagger, that age took away from him-

I think we have way too many shooters, that stop shooting, not because they stope enjoying shooting, They quit because they cant see what they are aiming at

thanks Chris-
That's what I was asking... the gap after "Take a look and see what you think-" leads me to believe a photo or hyperlink was forgotten.

I've done it a few times myself over the years. :o

my gal at lens crafters did that for me about 10 years ago.

She had me bring in my 1911,assumed a proper stance, measured the distance to the front sight and made me a set of trifocals.

Worked great
Sorry here is the Link and as far as trifocals


Sorry I swore I included the article link?

as far as trifocals, you will still have to raise your chin, and then you begin leaning back and sight acquisition take a lot longer- also the target will be blurred.

When you install the Press On Bifocal on Top of the Dominant eye only, you can walk, work move in complete confidence- I fit a Great deal of Police Officers and Military People with this system and they simply can not afford to take the extra time acquiring sight- they need to have it as instant as possible!

Lets look at an example a customer just got his glasses this last Wednesday afternoon and he thought he would try them out- I told him it could take a bit of time to adjust- a couple times at the range, and he said at 20 yards, he ate the center out of center mass area faster than he has done in years- He asked why I made it sound hard to adjust to, I thought its better I make it sound hard and its easy than if I made it sound easy and it comes up hard!

I have had people try the Trifocals, progressives and Mono Vision - all could and can work for range shooting, however in real time scenes where your have to move and acquire target as quickly as possible, the Trifocals as the Progressive and the Mono Vision ( one eye for distance and one eye for near) makes it hard. A lot of my police officers that have tried the Mono Vision- example had a terrible time trying to read their computers in the cars, It was almost impossible to see on the opposite side of the car, to look down that ally, or the dumpster behind the Drugstore at 2am on a Wednesday night.

There is another advantage of the Press-on style inverted bifocal on top-
I have a customer in St. Louis that will compete in any game he can pull a trigger on- He competes, in IDPA, Ipsc, Three Gun, PPC, Cowboy action, match service rifle and with Black powder- Carl came in one day to get me to adjust his glasses- and I saw 3 sets of marks on the top inside of his frame. I had to ask what made the marks> hevery proudly admitted he did? I had to ask why? he came back with, the 1 set is for most competitions( IDPA< IPSC, Three Gun, Cowboy action, PPC) his eye is centered on the Top bifocal. the next set of markings are moved over about 2-3 milimeters, he uses this group for his match service rifle- the rifle is maybe 1 inch to long for him, and it forces his shoulder back a little and he focusses closer to his nose- His M1 garrand is completely stock and original and he does very well with that setting. the last set is for his Muzzle loader, he competes with an real Antique Muzzleloader, not a kit gun and the stock is too long for him- he has the press on moved as close to his nose as he can get it- the people he shoots with, keep telling him to cut the gun to fit himself and he tells them cut your kit guns all you want, this is a real antique and No body is touching it.

I hope this makes sense- It just help people go back to proper shooting stance and having faster target acquisition! and being safer
If you can see it, you can hit it, If you cant see it, you wont hit it!

Read the article and I hope it helps- maybe I can help you to ask the right questions of your Optician next time your buying something for shooting.