I want to reload some 45-70 450gr bullets


New member
I want to reload some 45-70 450gr bullets. I can't find what powders are good with the 450gr bullet. If you know or have a site with info, it would be a big help.
If you're buying them (not casting them yourself) ask the people who make them what data they use or recommend. I've never used that weight, so I have no idea what a good load would be.

I would assume the powders normally used for 405gr and 500gr would be suitable, which one is "best" is always determined by the rifle being used, if it shows any preference in accuracy for a particular powder over others. Some do, some, not so much.
The best from Hodgdon is H4198. Unfortunately, I've not seen any for a couple years. I load jacketed and cast for my Guide Gun, and I've tried just about every suitable powder but H4198 shines.
Looked through a few of my reloading manuals for data .
450 gr. bullet / 45-70 loads are not that common ...
I have found data for one 450 gr. bullet ... the Lee 457-450-F ... a cast lead bullet .
The data is in the Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook 4th edition .
Is this the bullet you will be using ... ?
If this is the correct bullet I will list the powders Lyman has listed for standard pressure (1873 Springfield - trapdoor) loads .
... lots of 405 grain bullets for the 45-70 both jacketed and hard cast but not many 450 grainers ... must mean 405 grains
I would grab a copy of The Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook , 4th Edition .
Under 45-70 there is loading data for ten (10) different boolits from 292 grains to 540 grains .
There is no data for a 450 gr. boolit but the data for the 480 gr. bullet can be safely used.
You can also average the data for the 480 gr boolit & 405 gr boolit ( 480 + 405 = 885 divided by 2 = 443 grs. ... 443 is realy close to 450 grs. and averaging out the loads will give you a good idea of where you are with the 450 gr. boolits .

With reloading cast boolits , sometimes you cant find exact data for a specific boolit ...
Using data for a slightly heavier bullet and averaging two boolit weights - powder charges is a safe way to get you some data and loads ...
The Lyman Manual has loads with seven (7) different powders in each boolit weight.