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I want to know what this is . . .


I've seen a few posts referring to the forbidden use of ZOMBIES. I sent a PM to somebody asking but never got a response.

What is it?!
As you may know, we don't do SHTF scenarios/threads. We also don't do threads about what caliber or weapon to take out Zombies. In fact, we don't do Zombies at all.
I think waynedm is asking WHY it's forbidden, not IS it forbidden.

My take on it is that there's no use in fantasy scenarios involved in this site. It derails from having down to earth, on topic discussions based on real life situations and positive input relating to firearms in general.

Mods, please correct me if I'm off base.
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There are enough real world questions about firearms to discuss without branching into how to best kill imaginary creatures.

To quote one moderator, the "zombie threads" and other contrived scenarios "trivialized the "tactics and training" forum into silliness. When I first started reading on TFL I learned a lot there, but too much of it is just ridiculous now."
Tuttle8, you may be correct, I may have read the question in the wrong light.

Wayne, if you were asking WHY, then I apologize for not reading correctly. Tuttle8 and JohnKSa have given you the correct answer.
I had the basic idea of [why], I thought zombies were some sort of slang for something I was clueless about - not actual zombies. Zombies as in fake movie dead people whatever walking around with their arms out.
Well why not set up a forum for those who want those types of threads-Zombies and SHTF. People who don't want to read them can just stay out of the forums.. Seems like a simple solution to me.

"Tuttle8, you may be correct. I may have read the question in the wrong light."

No problem. You're human. And, as I last checked my memory banks, humans aren't perfect.;)
Every forum here is based on reality. Things should stay that way. I bet those who want a fantasy type of forum can either find one or create one on their own. Not here. That "silly crap" would come up on searches, be there for "New Posts", etc. It would be like the kids running underfoot and screaming while the grown-ups are trying to have a serious discussion. Not cool.

waynedm - ZOMBIE is not an acronym.
Well why not set up a forum for those who want those types of threads-Zombies and SHTF. People who don't want to read them can just stay out of the forums.. Seems like a simple solution to me.

That "silly crap" would come up on searches, be there for "New Posts", etc. It would be like the kids running underfoot and screaming while the grown-ups are trying to have a serious discussion. Not cool.

Exactly. The Firing Line remains one of the most respected firearms forums on the Web because we do take it seriously. We work hard to keep it that way, and because we do, we're able to keep serious practitioners of the Art like Mas Ayoob, Awerbuck, and others, along with everyday serious shooters, as participating Members. We're not above a little humor, but that stuff invariably degenerates into just plain silliness, and that would indeed open the floodgates to those we'd rather not have among us.
Well why not set up a forum for those who want those types of threads-Zombies and SHTF. People who don't want to read them can just stay out of the forums.. Seems like a simple solution to me

I'm actually a big fan of zombies movies but I agree that it doesn't have a place on this forum. If your really looking for topics of that nature I suggest this site: http://www.allthingszombie.com/forums/
It's forum has an entire section devoted to "Undead survival and defence."