This is too funny. I'm getting scared cuz i am actually starting to like all you people that i have resented for so long. You take up much of my husbands time and he buys the things that you too love, GUNS! Ya know sitting here, in the peace of the morning, kid sleeping the rest at school, bills paid, and car to drive, I'm figuring things aren't so bad. Let him have his guns, He's swore this is the last one for the last 10 times, lol, I'm starting to think he don't really mean he does work 6 days a week and I am able to stay home with my children, Have a vice of my own, and that is all he does, He barely has 10 dollars in his pocket at one time, and hardly complains, so i guess, i can live with it as long as the kids and the dog are fed, and the mortgage is on time. I in any event, feel much safer with my man when he is carrying, especially when we leave the house lol, he always carry's lol, so i'm just gonna say, Have a good day all, and i think i just might get involved so i know more about protecting my family.