I Thought I Was Doing These Two Things (Correctly), But Actually I Wasn’t


New member
What are those things that I thought I was doing, but I wasn’t, you ask? Front sight focus and compressed surprise break.

I thought that I was using a front sight focus until I started doing some dry-fire practice at home this weekend with my C308 rifle. While doing it, I realized that I was “kind of” focusing on the front sight, but I was also still trying to look at the target at the same time. I changed that to front sight in sharp focus while placed on, or in front of, the fuzzy target.

Then, while doing some searching on the forums about FSF, I found a really good post that included a description of, and video link to, Col. Jeff Cooper’s compressed surprise break. After watching the video, I guess I’d describe what I was doing as a compressed anticipated break. While I was trying to press, and not jerk, the trigger, in my mind I was still like “here it comes, here it comes, any moment now – click.” Now, I’m pleasantly surprised every time the trigger breaks.
When asked about the secrets of good shooting, I always reply, "Concentrate on the sights and squeeze the trigger." Simple but it works.

Pistol shooting.

There is a lot of fun self-discovery in store for you. Especially since you've shown that you have the patience and awareness to actually try shoot better - and whaddya know it's working!
I tried using snap caps mixed in with live rounds my last time at the range. I think it helps develop the sense of the surprise break.