I think i've been cheated?


New member
I recently traveled a couple hours away to pick up a pistol and accessories to save some money on shipping, gas, FFL fees and just to have it faster.
Their was a whole package agreed upon which I have a couple pieces of proof of. When I picked it up he stated some of the other accessories were in storage and his wife had the key and she was out of town until the following day. He told me he would overnight the extra stuff Wednesday so i'd receive it Thursday. He tried working out some way to insure I would get it like me post dating a check, but I had no checks and went out there with cash. Many factors about him made me feel comfortable with trusting him along with the couple times he tried to work out a way for me to beleive he would send my stuff.
Well, Thursday went by with no package. I had emailed him once the day before and oonce that day to ask if there would be a grip screw in with the extra pair of grips because I had snapped on in half screwing it back in the grip hole. No response. I called him on Thursday to ask over the phone about the screw. The home number he gave me before we met led to a lady telling me I had the wrong number. I tried his cell number which worked but he didn't answer.
If the package doesn't come today I think i've been cheated for sure.
I know his name, address, cell number, and where he works. I also have proof of what all I was supposed to get. What is my first step of legal action?
I appreciate all your help and advice.
Thank you for your time!
Take care
Your first step is to leave him a message politely indicating that you are willing to do what is necessary to retrieve what you paid for or obtain an appropriate refund. I don't often find situations where you have to get the courts involved over minor amounts of money, especially when you're making a purchase like that.

Without knowing a single fact beyond what you posted, I would make the short-term assumption that he is a busy man with poor planning skills and he just dropped the ball.
I would call, leave a message, then let wait a good three days before I called again. Like graebert said he may have just dropped the ball and will realize soon enough.

Did you pay the cash for the accessories he was supposed to mail? I gather you did, but just wondering.
Your first step of legal action is to pay a retainer to a lawyer. Or to take the time and money to go to small claims. That is, if you want to go the legal route.

I'd try calling a couple more times. If you can't get a hold of him, consider it a cheap lesson about why you shouldn't pay cash upfront for stuff that isn't provided to you on the spot. If we're talking less than a hundred or so, I'd let it go and take the loss. JMHO.
I dunno, I'd give him a few more days.
Ive told folks and been told by folks "it'll be in the mail tomorrow" and then something comes up and you dont make it to the post office etc.
you dont sacrifice your legal rights by letting some more time go by.
but i would be emailing and leaving msgs until i got an explanation!

also wonder how you travelled 2 hours to FTF this gun and figure you saved

sorry, just doesnt sound right to me.