i think i need to buy one more .22LR for my son


New member
My work was featured on firearmsblog

Moving out to a new place so it was nice to take a family pic of the work I've done for my 5 year old since he was born.

All .22LR's in this pic..

Can daddy's guns join the family pic?
Everything from the M1A to the right are regular calibers (M1A, R700 .308, Moss 500, Saiga 7.62, Saiga 12, AR15)




Better hope Big Brother ain't watching or someone gonna come looking for your arsenal, which I'm very, very jealous of! Your son is very lucky!
You've shown off your work here before and I've always been amazed!

Glad you got a nice write up for your work, it deserves it.

It was neat seeing so many of your mods in one picture. I doubt anybody would believe me if I told them they were all .22's.

Good luck.
I like the cart almost as much as the guns.
If you ever need to thin the herd or decide to re-build some you think you could improve on, I am sure you would find a market for your work here. Maybe not to reimburse your time, but probably enough to fund another build.