I think I am going to be cold.


New member
I'm riding by horseback in to the Dearborn Wilderness Thursday. The forecast for Augusta MT. which is about the closest shows lows around 5 degrees Thursday and Friday. Probably be below zero up in the mountains. Highs in the teens I suspect with snow. I really must hate elk.:)
You better dress that horse warm. We will expect longjohns,gloves and hat on him. :D

Don't forget your pocket warmers. They feel good in your boots,gloves and kidney area... Goodluck.
MT will be high and dry, it will not feel like the same temperature back east. Still, 5 degrees is cold. Get some good woolies and GoreTex, no problem. And a good warm wool cap and gloves. The biggest thing in the high plains is to stop the wind, it will wear you down faster than anything else.
Well, I can move around and keep warm hunting. And, the horse will help keep you warm riding in. The tents have a little wood stove, but they don't have any good wood. Dead pine that lasts maybe an hour. You have to keep your water bottle in the bag with you to keep it from freezing in the night. At my age I have to get up and take a whiz a couple of times. Plus they duct tape a commode seat to a makeshift frame over a hole in the ground. Doesn't take you long.

Should be plenty of snow to see what's going on. Might get the elk moving. Looks like it will warm back up about the time I ride out on the 15th.

But, I miss my bow hunting in Sept. When the bugling stopped you could find a sunny spot and take a nap. Doesn't look like there will be much of that.:)
MT will be high and dry, it will not feel like the same temperature back east. Still, 5 degrees is cold. Get some good woolies and GoreTex, no problem. And a good warm wool cap and gloves. The biggest thing in the high plains is to stop the wind, it will wear you down faster than anything else.

Hi Scorch, I'll be at about 7000 feet. They are calling for snow several days, but you are right it usually doesn't amount to all that much.
I was in there about 6 years ago and it was 20 below the first night, but warmed up. Looks like it will be chilly all week this trip.

The thing is the elk are usually on top and we have to ride up early, hunt on foot, and ride back to camp.
If the wind is bad part of it will be too nasty to hunt. But, that might get the elk moving down. We'll see.
Enjoy your hunt. Several years ago a buddy and I hunted elk in the Bob Marshall Wilderness west of Choteau. From trail head to camp was a 26 mile horseback ride over the Continental Divide. Needless to say, it an early season-only hunt. But it was awesome, got a 5 x 5 and a Black Bear.
Enjoy your hunt. Several years ago a buddy and I hunted elk in the Bob Marshall Wilderness west of Choteau. From trail head to camp was a 26 mile horseback ride over the Continental Divide. Needless to say, it an early season-only hunt. But it was awesome, got a 5 x 5 and a Black Bear.

How about that. Cox Creek, with Rocky or Art ? I have been in there three times I think. Was there last year. That trip is a lot like work.
It sounds like you are in for a heck of a trip, good luck on getting that elk.

I been horseback many times here in Missouri when it was below freezing, you are right the heat off the horse will help keep you warm.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
I'd trade places with you Zero. Deer gun season starts here in Kentucky on Saturday and the high will be close to 70 :eek:.

Stay warm, stay safe and good luck.