I swear I had my self control with me when I went into the store...


New member
but damned if it didn't get lost between the threshhold and the display case. I was just going to peruse the Para .40 selections thinking I might convert one to 10mm. I didn't care for the feel of them in my hand, so I picked up some scope rings I needded and continued to browse. After about an hour of fiddlefarting around I was ready to leave and then over in the back corner of the last display case was a stainless steel Kimber Gold Match in .40 S&W. It was pretty much over with at that point but I put up a good fight (not). I walked out with the pistol under my arm. Went home straight away for a cleaning and to swap out the plastic mainspring and then off to the range. It shot well enough, but I was admittedly not having a great day shooting anything. Well I'm off to surf for a Wilson ramped 10mm barrel. One of these days I hope to find myself control wherever I left it. Probably in a coat pocket somewhere with a forgotten $20.
Self-Control is no match for a firearm display case...

It's the glint of the steel under the glass and the subtle smell of BreakFree, the sound of the cycling actions and the weight of the gun in your hand. It creates a condition known as 'Gottahaveit'. It's a sickness, and addiction that turns normally reserved people into wide-eyed kids in a candy store. I also suffer from 'Gottahaveit' but I've refused treatment. Instead I indulge my wanton desires at every shop I find. Self-control is no match for 'Gottahaveit'. The only thing that has been found to keep 'Gottahaveit' under control is a Visa credit limit.

If you install a 10mm barrel HIGHLY RECOMMEND you have the gun 'tightened up', or the 10mm will increase 'rattle-factor' fairly quickly (unless you shoot 10mm-pu$$y-loads, and where's the fun in that?).

The 10mm can be very powerful..........
A good suggestion WESHOOT2 but if the gun were any tighter it would not function. There simply is no play to be found anywhere out of the box, gotta love them Kimbers. And I do plan on shooting all manner of handloads in her, from sub .40 to hunting rounds. If I can locate some BoMar style night sights, she'll be my new carry pistol soon enough.
Didn't Colt make a 1911 in 10mm? I think it was the Delta Elite. Why not just get one of those and skip all the conversions?
Sorry, not me. As much as I would like to impulse buy a gun, I cannot let myself. I know the local gun stores prey on people who don't shop around for prices. Most claim they are 10% over dealer cost, but I have priced some on my own and find that they usually are in the range of a 20-30% markup. This is outrageously high. I have found a local guy who doesn't keep anything in stock, but only orders on an as-needed basis and who shows me the prices from his ordering catalog. Waiting 2-3 days for a new toy takes some of the fun out of the equation, but I have saved a ton doing it this way.
Why not just get one of those and skip all the conversions?

Because I have had extreme bad luck with the Series 80 line. The thought of a Kimber in 10mm just sends shivers.
Man I hate to do it, but I can top that easily. I had a little nest egg built up for a couple guns I have been looking for. I ordered a Hi-Power from AIM. When it came in I was making small talk at the gun shop, one thing lead to another and I followed another regular to his house and bought an SP-101. He then started showing me some of his guns and pulls out a Hi-Power Practical. I said, you ought to sell this to me. He made me a deal on both guns with a bunch of ammo etc. So I left the house for one gun and came home with three. That was about four days ago, today I stopped in another shop to BS and the owner made me a deal too good to pass up on a Springfield Armory 1911 "loaded". My nest egg was already exhausted; I may end up being two days late on a couple bills.