I stole this off another forum, but feel it is important here!


New member
Look at what this guy from Perdue has to say about assault weapons. http://www.purdueexponent.org/?module=article&story_id=9450

Here's what I emailed him this morning:
I found your comentary on assault weapons to be very uninformed - I hope next time that you decide to express your beliefs on a subject you know little about, you do some unbiased research first.

Number one mistake: This was not an automatic weapon; it is a semi-automatic. This means that after you fire ONE round, it will automatically load another round. It will not spray bullets out in rapid fire pattern by holding the trigger depressed. Automatic weapons have been illegal to own for many years for most people.

I would personally be more concerned about this punk selling drugs to little kids than his gun ownership, but you are probably too young to have children to care about this issue, because you openly stated in your comentary that you wouldn't fret about the drugs issue!

Lastly pertaining to your statement, "It is the responsibility of city officials to do what they can to prevent another Virginia Tech incident; mandatory registration would be a logical step. " Guess what, I agree - kind of: If the law makers would have allowed citizens (students and professors) the option of legal concealed carry of weapons, this idiot that attacked VT probably could have been stopped by a private citizen. Imagine that!!! As it stands, we must rely on our over burdened police departments that got to the scene that day after the rampage was over. Too little, too late.

I hope you look at this in a little more detail before you make inaccurate statements and conclusions again.

Sincerely, Steve Barresi
This quote from the article just disgusted me though, at least in the context he was using it: "Although it is legal to hold such a weapon, that doesn't mean it's right."

But I agree, he didn't seem like he knew what the h*** he was talking about. Too bad the media don't want to actually listen to and quote someone that DOES know what they are talking about, or take a quote from one of the guys in here.
When you have "stoopids" in charge, and make the erroneous assumption that they have "expertise" in what they are talking about, it is disastrous.

I recall seeing Janet Reno when she was the U.S. Attorney General, and testifying before Congress about the so-called assault weapons. She stated (quote), "Assault weapons are more deadly than other firearms".

A few years ago, during a Town Hall meeting, U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein was holding a "civilian" semi-auto version of the AK-47 rifle, and she surprised me when she actually said that it was a semi-auto firearm....but then she hoisted that same rifle over her head and yelled, "Machineguns such as this have to be banned!"

The anti-gun organizations have been VERY effective, and have wormed their way into positions of power. Their agenda is quite clear, and much of it is based upon how much hysteria they can generate. The news media eats it up, and often enhances the hysteria.
This kid is a junior in college, obviously he won't know what he is talking about. Our newspaper at the University of Georgia gets articles written in by the columnists and sent in by students probably once a week. The laws at these schools make it almost impossible to carry a weapon anywhere near campus even if its locked in a carry safe and locked in your car with no bullets anywhere near it and you are only driving through campus. God forbid another Va Tech would happen here.