I sold my AR15 for this....


New member
A buddy wanted to buy an AR15 and I happen to have had one. So a grand later I made my way to Dick's and saw this baby on sale. Winchester SX3 Black Shadow 28" in black synthetic and chambered for 12ga 2.75, 3, and 3.5. It's on like donkey kong now. Got out the door for $820 with 100 rounds of heavy field loads. Not a bad deal I thinks.


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Nice shotgun. But I think your buddy got a good deal on the AR15. From what I hear, after Sandy Hook, folks were paying $1500-$2000 and more for them in this area.
Range report

Went to my dads with some clays to check this baby out. Here is how it went:
I was shooting Remington 2.75 #8 1&1/8oz 3dram eq. (mainly because it was on sale.)

I used the imp cylinder choke.

Took 10 warm up shots to check the functioning of the SX3. First two single round string no problem. Reloaded and fired a 2 shot string. Gun cycled but the third shell was under the bolt on the bolt carrier. This was the only failure to feed and it has only happened once.

Shot a 25 clay string and gun performed flawlessly. I on the other hand missed 10 clays on the first shot and hit only 5 of those on the follow up. Shot a total of 55rounds today.

Recoil was almost non existing. Prolonged shooting will not be an issue with this gun.

Disassembled the SX3 just for s&g's to check how much buildup there was as this is the first autoloader I have ever owned. I was surprised how little residue there was. Wiped it down since I had it apart. I plan on going back and shoot it until it ftf or fte.
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You will continue to have little buildup if you use quality ammo. Winchester Universals are really nasty ones, Federals from wally world are decent, Winchester AA and Remington STS or Gun CLubs are very good - and those hulls are worth .05/each if you do not reload
I also think your friend got the better deal.. I would never give up my AR for a shotgun. But different strokes for different folks..

Good luck with it.
As for the AR15, I don't have the time to hunt down 223 rounds as they are really scarce here. You can find them every once in a while, but it's an Easter egg hunt. So I basically had a $1000 walking stick. Shotgun shells on the other hand I can get all day in almost every store that sells ammo. I am thinking of getting a shot shell press in the near future, as I already load my 308.
When the time comes to reload, you'll want to look at the MEC reloaders. If you are shooting Remington Gun Clubs, STS/Nitros or Winchester AA ammo, those hulls are the ones worth saving to reload. You'll get many reloads per hull with consistent results
Looks like a very nice gun. As for the AR, without knowing specifics I can't comment too much on value, but you probably got less than it was worth. I bought one of the Troy ARs from Dick's for $900 OTD and sold it for $2,000 in January.

However, if you sold a gun you didn't want and bought one you did, you are still coming out ahead. Glad you're enjoying the new purchase.