I Shot My First Deer!!!


New member
I have been deer hunting in Missouri a couple of times when I was a teenager but never got anything. Now at age 32 I finally decided to go again, this time in Kansas.

A little after 9:00 A.M. I heard my Dad fire twice. He had shot two doe's. So I climbed out of my stand and helped him gut and load his deer into the back of the truck. We were about to leave and take the deer to be processed when I saw a deer up the hill about 75 yards from where we were at. :eek: I told my Dad to shut off the truck and I got out, loaded my rifle, and tried to reacquire the deer that I saw. It was in some pretty thick woods so I had to move around a bit to get a clear shot. My bullet hit him in the neck and the buck dropped.

What luck! I was bummed about having to leave the hunt for the day to help my Dad and at literally the last second, I got my first buck. Although it is by means no trophy, it is still food for the table. :D


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Congratulations on your first deer and a buck at that. May this be the first of many years of hunting enjoyment and success. You broke the ice!

I shot my first handgun buck this year on Sat. Nov. 26th. It was a 7 pt buck at 50 yards. One shot with a 480 Ruger SRH w/2x Leupold scope. I felt pretty good about this.
Congrats. Don't be ashamed of your first deer being small. My first was a small button buck I took for a doe. Good shooting and enjoy that freezer full of meat.
Good for you - anytime you and your hunting partner can both fill out on the same day is a good one.

way to go!

You know, everybody goes for the "trophy" animals... which of course means that the trophy genes get culled out of the gene pool. Not always so great for the herds, anyway. You have a fine buck there and he will make some good venison sausage, stew, backstrap, etc., etc. You should be proud.

"by no means a trophy"???????

I feel that if you put you time in, and do it fairly, every deer is a trophy. Congrats to you.
Nice buck

Venison tastes good no matter how big the horns. I get as much enjoyment out of knocking quail or grouse down as I do taking deer or pig or turkey, so don't worry about the size.
Good shooting. The experience of killing a deer is always a little sad, at first. But making a quick kill is something to be proud about.

The younger bucks and does are better trophies on the dinner plate that the older herd bucks. Enjoy!

They are ALL trophies. It brings great joy to me to be around someone that has been bitten by the deer hunting bug. My youngest son got his second buck this year. I think he may be helplessly bit too. Sincere congratulations.