I shot my first deer today!


New member
Today was my second day of deer hunting EVER and it was a sucessful one. I start my day at 4:00 am this morning getting a shower (scent free soap) and getting dressed in all my camo attire. I make the drive over to my mentors hunting spot where he is meeting me I get there a little early so I'm waiting for him. It's a chilly 30* morning the crescent moon and stars brightly shining in the cloudless night sky. He shows up at 5:30 am and we walk across the creek and head out to the stand its a long 1/2 mile walk trying to be as quiet and quick as possible. Its a bright night we can see the path without using our flashlights. We make it to the shooting house and climb inside the windows are closed we turn on the tap light and continue to getting ready. I hear the clicks of magazines being loaded and bolts being closed under the dim light both weapons are rested in the corners and the light switches off.

It's getting close to daylight so we slowly open the windows to survey the field as I open the window to my right I see a sillhouette about 50 yards away looking right at me. It's still dark so we just sit back and quietly wait. That doe stands there for a few minutes and moves on to the gap in the woods behind us towards the field. It's 5:56 am and the sun is barely peeking over the trees a doe is standing in the clearing to my right ~60yds away staring straight at me.

I get the go ahead from my mentor to shoot only if I can clearly see the deer in my crosshairs so I slowly edge my Tikka T3 .270 Win out of the corner and onto the window sill all the while that doe is staring at me. I dial my scopes power down to 4x power and find the doe in my crosshair. I can clearly see the doe and I give the signal that I have a shot. I place the crosshair directly on the brisket and take a deep breath my crosshairs are steady as I squeeze the trigger all I see if a bright flash and a few deer run off to my right out of sight. It's 5:57 am

I can hardly keep my composure I'm literally shaking wondering was it a good shot, did I miss, did it fall, how far did it run, all the bad stuff. We wait it seems like an excruciating 30 minutes and deer keep showing up so we just wait to see what happens its been an hour now and a doe eases into the field she is casually grazing and my "mentor" decides to take a shot. Its a perfect broadside shot at ~75 yards he raises his Remington Sportsman 74 .30-06 and drops that doe where she stood.

After waiting another 30 minutes we climb down and go to look for blood where my deer was standing. We don't find blood but 30 yards from where she was there she is down and expired. The entrance wound was dead center in the brisket and the bullet never exited. Upon gutting the top half of the heart was completely gone with no other evidence of damage. We suspect the bullet was inside the gut pile somewhere. She had to die quickly which I am very thankful for. Here are the pics of the 2 does the first two pictures are the doe that I shot and the other two are the doe my mentor shot. ENJOY! Sorry for the novel of a story but I'm still pumped and didn't want to miss a single detail

Congratulations!!!. Your first of many.....I can tell your hooked:D. Nice job too. My son and I are going out tomorrow, hoping he will connect on his first deer.
Thanks guys yes I am hooked and I plan on going a few more times this year. And Big Al good luck to you and your son and be safe.
Nice job but where are you hunting if it was 30 degrees your lucky it was 5 in NY today and the stove running out of wood didn't help nothing like waking up with frozen nose hairs :D
Awesome. Loved the part about the crescent moon. Saw that this am in NC on a dove hunt. 32 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Beautiful!

Gotta love a successful hunt. Congrats. I cant wait for muzzleloader season so I can take one of the doe I have been seeing.
That's good eat'in. Now you have to set your sites on a buck.

Nice job!

BTW, I took my first deer with a chest shot facing dead at me.
Thanks guys for all the kind words. I had a great time and will be something I always remember. I'm glad it was a good clean kill and she passed quickly.
I dial my scopes power down to 4x power and find the doe in my crosshair.

First, Congratulations! ..... and it never gets old- I've done in dozens, and the whole nervousness, second guessing, etc., never ends ......

Second- a tip: start with the scope on the lowest setting- if the animal is so far out that you need to see him better, then you'll have ample time to crank the power up. The reverse is not always true: If a buck sneaks up behind you and you have the scope dialed up to 9X, there is no time to dial it down, an you may well get busted trying ..... and finding a buck @ 15 feet in your scope dialed up to 9X is ....... challenging (?)(which is the PC version of "harder'n Chinese Algebra) .... BTDT, and learned something.........

I did keep the cartridge casing. It is sitting on the mantle in the living room.

Do yourself a favor, and take it to one of those little trophy/award shops, and have the date engraved on it ..... costs next to nothing, and will keep you from throwing it in the practice brass box .....