I screwed up every stage!

Greg Bell

New member
I was at a tactical match tonight. There were 4 stages and 105 rounds. I screwed up every stage!!

1. Forgot to shoot one of the targets 3 times (Only shot it twice, ran dry, and skipped to the next one).
2. Ran to the wrong box (acutally, I ran to the blue carpet square in front of the box.
3. Mag fell out of my gun during shooting!
4. Shot my gun dry.

On the flip side, I was by far the most accurate shooter. I was just slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. :p
if you watch enough videos you'll even see Rob 'un human' Leatham make a blunder or two. No sweat. I've got to one up you though,

At a recent IDPA shoot, I was running to cover and tripped over my shoe that had come untied. I (by mistake) did a front roll holly wood style and made my shot from cover anyway. The Safety officer knew I tripped so I didn't get a warning for showboating. On the next stage, my too loose shoe came completely off and I ended up tripping and fallin face first into a low port. Good thing I had to shoot from there anyway.

the funniest part was afterwards when my wife said "why'd you do keep trying to go prone??"
We ALL screw up. Twice I was running to the next stage and a couple of mags flew out of their pouch...ouch. I fixed that by tightening the adjustment screw. But, I've missed targets completely, I mean I walked right past them as if they were invisible...ouch again. I've gone to slide lock a couple times as well. One thing I do well is having a plan of attack before the stage begins. Unfortunately, when the buzzer sounds, the plan has vanished from memory. :o
You need to get a copy of Lanny Bashams book "With Winning in Mind". That's the funny thing about those that say they can and those that say they can't, they are both right. Stay away from negitive self talk and not just at a match but in life as well.
Welcome to competition shooting....

It's very rare for me to shoot a course of fire that i'm 100% happy with, I almost always feel I should have done something better.

Agree with jmorris though, negative thinking, negative effects.

Looking at the mistakes it does imply a lack of planning around the COF or focus on the plan during COF.
Except dropping the mag, sometimes that happens, I've done it, poor regrip after a reload, pressed the extended mag release with support hand. Opps.

Of course some days are just bad days and nothing seems to go right. *Shrug*
I ended up coming in fifth out of fourteen. 3-5 were closely bunched and 1-2 were way out ahead. Without my doofus moments I am confident I would have been 3rd. Again, I actually did quite well without the SNAFUs. After analysis, I did indeed score the most points in every stage. It was just one of those bad days, but it was still a heck of a lot of fun.
LOL..I remember my first SASS shoot....they had so many different ways to shoot a stage it was damn confusing...but the old timers were a big help. Thats one of the things I like about shooting.
Greg Bell

I screwed up every stage!


I was at a tactical match tonight. There were 4 stages and 105 rounds. I screwed up every stage!!

1. Forgot to shoot one of the targets 3 times (Only shot it twice, ran dry, and skipped to the next one).
2. Ran to the wrong box (acutally, I ran to the blue carpet square in front of the box.
3. Mag fell out of my gun during shooting!
4. Shot my gun dry.

On the flip side, I was by far the most accurate shooter. I was just slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow.