I really want to own full auto rifles. Can anyone help?


I love the idea of sending many rounds down range. Despite the media, I do not want to own a full auto weapon because I am some crazy person. I just really like the machine and wish to own one or two. It is not fair that a law obiding citizen can not have these weapons if they are not going to break the law with them. Is there any legal means of obtaining FA rifles? Officers, what is your opinion?
Are you an adult with a law abiding background?
If so, you have two choices:
1. Join the Army, they will issue you an M16 or maybe even a machine gun.
2. Save up lots and lots of money and buy one of the full auto firearms that was legally registered before 1986. It will also take a lot of paperwork, the approval of your chief of police or sheriff, and did I mention, a lot of money.
Somebody will be along shortly with a lot of detail which you can dig through if you are serious about the project.
FA weapons are perfectly legal to own in most states. They're just obscenely expensive. $10,000+ minimum to start. I know people who own FA's weapons but they're out of my price range. These days, I can barely afford to shoot my bolt action rifles.
actually you can go full auto for around $4k mac10 or 11's usually sell in the 3500-4500 range...but literally all you can do with it is send rounds down range...
You do not say what state you are in, so it is hard to answer this question. Take a look at http://www.subguns.com for more info. You will find a forum, lists of dealers, state law summaries and info on federal law. There is a classified ad section there with machine guns going for about $4000 to $225,000. Your ammo budget will be high if you plan on exploiting your gun's capabilities to its fullest extent. Good luck.

You don't have to convince us. A lot of the folks who post over here have full auto firearms and we enjoy them. If you've got the money and a CLEO who will sign off on your form 4, then what are you waiting for?

I purchased my one and only full-auto gun, AC556, about 8 years ago. I couldn't afford to purchase it again now for what the going price is. Glad I have it, wouldn't sell it for anything because it's not likely that I'm going to get another any time soon.

Here's a general list of what you can get for under $10,000:

FN FNC .223 $7,500
AC556 $6,000 +/- $800
UZI $6,500 +/- $1,300 (depends on whether bolt gun, registered receiver, etc.)
M10 (Mac 10) $4,000 +/- $500
Sten $5,000 (??)
S&W M76 $6,000 (??)
BM59 (Italian M14 sort of) $9,500 +/- ??

If you want to buy one now, shooting one will just make it worse.
Very very true statement!!!
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I would highly recommend the AC556, Sten or S&W. All are fine weapons, relatively inexpensive to shoot (RELATIVELY I said!) and likely to go up in value over time. It's all about availability and demand. If you have really, really deep pockets, consider an M60 or .50 M2HB, both my favorites. In 1968 they could be bought for a few thousand each. Today I don't even want to think about having to replace them.

I also agree about shooting one quenching your thirst. I shot my first FA back in 1962 and I haven't quit buying/shooting since then!
The problem with full - autos today is the cost of the ammunition. I know it is coming down but I doubt if we will ever see the surplus cost again
You might find that simply shooting machine guns is sufficient to quench your full auto thirst.

Worst advice ever.

If you want to buy one now, shooting one will just make it worse.


amen to that!!!
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