I officially have the Mosin bug.

Closing The Gap

New member
While looking for a bolt action Savage mark ii for my son, I noticed a long line up of Mosin 91/30's. I am new to the rifle and as per usual had done tons of reading before and after picking up my first one. The very first Mosin in the line that I picked up seemed "special" even to these untrained eyes. It had a hex receiver. Then I noticed the date stamp of 1929. Not having any specific knowledge of that year I thought it odd considering 91/30 from what I understood meant redesigned in 1930. After further looking It had all sorts of differences compared to my 1942 run of the "mill" one. There was what looked like brass where the dog collars would attach and on a couple other places. The bolt itself was much more polished and the safety knob was a different shape. And the trigger.... wow. It was really light and crisp compared to mine. Suddenly it all started looking much nicer than mine. So at that point I decided I must have it! After making the purchase and getting home fairly late last night I searched on 762x54r.net and found it to be an ex-dragoon with all matching numbers. I have no idea if its valuable but I REALLY like it and am about to clean the cosmoline off, check the firing pin and head space. Then It's off to the range. :D

I didn't end up finding the Savage last night but called around and found one this morning. My wife is on her way there to pick it up now. :cool:

Any comments about what else I may want to be aware of about this particular model would be appreciated. I am sure it won't be my last by a long shot!

Edit: I will post pics once its cleaned up.
It really is a bug, I got it as well :D. I have a mosin carbine a mosin 91/30 and a Finn M39. They are all great and sadly I'm thinking of ordering another 91/30 or a T53, never ever get a C&R like I have or else you will end up just like me.
I recently handled one of the imports from Century and other than a little cosmoline, the bore was mint. I assume the barrel was replaced. For a little over a C-note, I consider that a bargain.
the hex receivers are more sought after. I guess you could say yours is a true 1891 instead of the millions upon millions of 91/30s so it's a little more collectable as the number of original condition grows thinner. the brass everywhere seems to be a hit or miss thing with mosins though. both of my 91/30s are run of the mill 1944 izhevsks but one came with the brass everywhere while the other appears to be steel in those places.