I no longer refer to them as "anti-gunners"...


New member
... or gun-grabbers, or gun-control advocates, or children's rights advocates.

No, I think these terms are too soft.

Think about it:

They further their agenda by demonizing guns and those of us who own them.

They gain support from the sheep who refuse to look to history by demonizing the guns and gun owners.

They gain support from adults with the maturity levels of grade-school kids who will follow the crowd by crying "Ooh, icky! I don't want to be associated with one of those icky, nasty gun owners!"

They coin words and phases such as "assault weapon," "junk gun," and "cop-killer."

They spread their propaganda of how evil our "assault weapons" are and say "You don't need an AK-47 to hunt!"

They spread their propaganda of how easily those evil handguns can be concealed and say "You don't need a gun! The po-lice are here to protect you!"

They spread their false propaganda about how 13 children die each day due to guns, but fail to mention that their children don't become adults until they are 20 or 21.

They spread their propaganda about how all these people die each year due to firearms, but they fail to mention that many of these deaths include criminals who have been shot by law-abiding citizens defending themselves from the thugs. Further, they fail to compare deaths facilitated by automobiles, poisonings, drownings with those facilitated by firearms.

They're right. I don't need an AK-47 to hunt - My Marlin .30-30 or Ruger .308 will do just fine.

However, I NEED that AK-47 to protect myself from what will come should it be banned.

I NEED my concealed handgun to protect myself from hoodlums set on doing harm to me.

Whether you like it or not, we NEED guns to remain free.

These people try to peg us ardent supporters of the Second Amendment as "extremists."

Who's the extremist, here?!?! Their agenda has been made public - They are for the complete eradication of ALL privately-owned firearms and make no attempt to take a look at what history has taught us.

No, these aren't anti-gunners, gun-control advocates, or gun-grabbers.

These vermin are hereby referred to by me as Anti-Self-Defense Extremists!

¡Viva la RKBA!
Bulldawg: NRA, GOA, TSRA, Shiner Bock Connoisseur.
Bulldawg's Firearms Page