I never though I'd say this


New member
being from Missouri but I'm jealous of Kansas residents. I only live 5 miles from their state line. Unless I misheard on the news this morning. It sounds like the Govener is passing a law allowing ownership of NFA items. In the presses words, machine guns, sawed off shotguns and silencers. Now I just have to hope good ol Missouri catches up. But I'm glad it's another win for us and our 2nd admendment rights.
The BATFE administers the NFA, but the states can allow or prohibit ownership of controlled items. Just because the State says it's OK doesn't mean you can run out and buy one. You still have to jump through the hoops.

Of course, if the State says no NFA items, it doesn't matter what the Feds think, they won't allow it within the state.
What's truly amazing is that she signed it the first time through! I thought for sure that she was going to veto it.

Maybe she got tired of having her anti-2A vetoes overridden. :D
she only signed it for LEO's......

The state banned owning machine guns in 1933, but some legislators said a change was necessary because legal questions threaten to keep dealers from delivering weapons to law enforcement agencies.

the american citizen, I highly doubt was on her mind.